What is a self-hosted build agent?
Self-hosted build agents are “bring-your-own” build agents that can be connected to TeamCity Cloud, but are hosted and managed by the customer. Self-hosted build agents are useful if you require your own specialized set of build software, specialized build environments, etc.
Customers can utilize their build credits to add self-hosted build agents to their instance at a flat monthly rate of 20,000 build credits, or about USD 16. Self-hosted build agents do not draw on any additional build credits. You can run an unlimited number of builds on self-hosted build agents.
When a self-hosted build agent is redeemed in your TeamCity Cloud instance, it increases the number of concurrent builds you can perform on self-hosted agents by 1. You will be able to connect as many self-hosted agents as you wish. This allows you to connect a pool of self-hosted agents to your TeamCity instance that can suit a wide variety of build configurations and requirements.
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