Build is slow under TeamCity
If you experience slow builds, the first thing to do is to check the build log to see if there are some long operations or the time is just spread over the entire process.
You can compare build logs of slower and faster builds to figure out what the difference is.
You can also run the build from the console on the same machine as detailed above to see if there is any difference between the build run from the console and the build in TeamCity.
If the slowness is spread over all the operations, the agent machine resources (CPU, disk, memory, network) are to be analyzed during the build to see if there is a bottleneck in any of those. If there is, the process loading the resource is to be found and investigated (e.g. with the help of the thread dump taken via "View thread dump" link on the running build results).
If there is some long operation and it is a TeamCity-related one (before start or after end of the actual build process), the TeamCity agent and server are to be analyzed (logs and thread dumps).
If you want to turn to us with the issue, please describe the visible effects, detail the process of investigation and attach the build log, full agent logs and other data collected.
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