Saving Admin Page Configurations


I am currently developing a basic plugin as a working example, essentially what I am trying to achieve is an extra tab on the admin page that will allow the input into a text box, this can be saved and revisited with the text persisting.

I have currently got an Admin page with the form I require, 

To do this I have undertaken the following steps:

- create a java class extending the AdminPage

- created a JSP page with the input required (basic form) + linked to adminPage as a resource

- Created a Bean for AdminPage

This has resulted in 

This is a good start but I now need to find a way to process the input and save it, I have read the docs and seen that there is local storage on the plugins using the Data directory and also capable of creating files ect. I have also looked at examples on Github for existing plugins but am struggling to find a simple way to get this working, I am by no means a Java expert (which is probably where most of my issues are starting from), If anyone has any advice on what I would need to implement to get this working I would be very appreciative 


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