Please provide an example how to create a new sub-project and configure build & release pipelines in TeamCity (On-Premise) using REST API



I am using TeamCity (On-Premise) Enterprise 2019.2.1

Please provide an example how to create a new sub-project and configure build & release pipelines in TeamCity (On-Premise) using REST API.

I would like to know if I can execute this REST API in Microsoft Flow using PowerApps.

Thanks in advance.

1 comment

Hello Vivek,

There are several examples for creating a project via REST listed in this article, and Manage Build Configurations page contains methods for build configuration, steps, dependencies and other entities you may need to create. For the payload examples, you may GET any existing build/project with similar setup and use the response as a base for your requests. 

As I can see, Microsoft Flow is capable of handling RESTful APIs so it should be possible. 


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