Test occurrences -> 404 error pop up notification
On almost all build configurations, we get this error:
Server response
The resource you are looking for has been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.
UI action
We use TeamCity Enterprise 2021.1 (build 92597)
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I'm running into something similar as well when looking at pretty much any build config or build:
Closer inspection shows it is also trying to hit the testOccurrences endpoint with a very long query string. Everything seems to work fine, I just get this somewhat annoying notification every time I change pages.
I'm running TeamCity Professional 2021.1 (build 92597) behind IIS on Windows.
I am also running TeamCity Professional 2021.1 (build 92597) behind IIS on Windows. The same issue...
Where is support?
Related issue in YouTrack: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-71944