TeamCity Server 2020.1.4 Windows Docker Fails to Start
When trying to start a TeamCity server container on Windows Server 2019 the following error is logged -
[2020-10-01 09:15:55,416] ERROR - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - It seems the directory (C:\TeamCity\bin\..\temp) is not writable. TeamCity requires it to be writable.
There are quite a few log files in the log folder but nothing in the data folder.
I would be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction to try and solve this issue.
Regards Neil
Note - that this is the very first time of trying to start this container.
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Please check if you are able to manually create and modify files under C:\TeamCity\temp inside the container when you log into it manually (docker exec -it your-conainer-name pwsh). Normally, you should be able to do that. Otherwise, there might be an issue with writing to the Docker host's volumes folder (e.g. C:\ProgramData\Docker\volumes\).
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Hi Anatoly,
thank you for taking the time to reply. I could not write to the temp directory but if we mapped the temp directory to a volume it worked OK. The Docker directory had been configured to use a different path and it looks like the permissions were set on the directory incorrectly. We altered the permissions and the container now works as expected.
Many thanks