Configuring Build Feature (XML report proccesing)



In the log file I have the following message:

"[Skipped as out-of-date] 26 reports"

I configured a build feature, type google test.

I saw in your documentation that I can add " parseOutOfDate='true' " in the build feature.

My configuration is set in the following way:

How to add this line( parseOutOfDate='true') so it will fix my issue.



Allen Biton.


Hi Allen,

In order to use parseOutOfDate='true' you will need to configure the report import via a service message. This is not possible to do via the UI. You can use a command-line build step in order to send this service message. This article describes the basic concepts of Service Messages and their usage. And this section in particular will help you to configure the import of your XML report.

In your case, for Google Test, the service message should look like this:

##teamcity[importData type='gtest' path='<path to the xml file>' parseOutOfDate='true']




Hi Mikhail,

Thank you for the quick response.

I've managed to configure it via service message and in the log, I can see that it parsed all of the XML's.

But in the output of the CI run, I still don't get the full number of tests that need to be.

Any Idea why?


Allen Biton.


Hi Allen,

It is not quite clear what the expected and actual results are. Could you please elaborate a bit on the problem? How many tests were recorded in the XML report, how many of them were filtered and what do you see in the tests tab?


Hi Mikhail,

The problem is that even though in the build log is written that all 130 reports are parsed, the actual number of passed test that is shown is not all of them (e.g there are 2099 tests that pass but the build outcome shows only 725).

What do you mean by filtered?

In the tests tab, I see only the 725 tests.



Ok, I ran it again and now it doesn't parse all the reports, only some of them.



TeamCity should display the data from the XML report you uploaded. If the report only contained 725 tests, then TeamCity would only display 725. If there are other reports that contain the rest of the tests, make sure you are importing them as well. Make sure that the path value in your service message correctly covers all the required files.


I added the service message but it still shows me only some of the tests.

In the build log, it says that it found 130 reports but only 26 successfully parsed, the rest are skipped out of date.

What else can be done?


Could you please show me how exactly you added the service message? A screenshot of the build step settings where the script contents could be seen should be enough.

Also, please let me know if you still have the 'XML Reports processing' build feature enabled in your build.



I was able to solve it, I found that I have duplicated XML files and the actual number that supposes to show is the showed one.

Thank you for your help.


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