REST API Build Locator: Build number with hyphen
I'm trying to use the REST API to look up a build by build number, but I think I'm having problems because the build number contains a hyphen: 1.0.0-3, for example.
I want to do something like this:
Everything works great until I try to add the build number to the locator. Any suggestions?
Edit: Actually, in this case the build number might also contain a "+", in addition to the "-".
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You need to URL encode the +, so for example if your build number is 1.0.0+3 then try 1.0.0%2B3.
Thanks Dylan Munyard, but that still is not working.
Tried encoding just the "+" as %2B, just the "-" as "%2D", and both together. Same result each time:
<builds count="0"/>
Must have fat-fingered something. Dylan Munyard, that was indeed the problem. As you said, the "-" works fine as is, but the "=" needs to be encoded as a %2B.