TeamCity VCS trigger triggers redundant builds
Hi, we've got our TeamCity builds configured to run when changes are in specific folder in the solution. say, /src/folder. When devs commit branches with no changes to /src/folder, the builds are still being triggered. When I go to "changes" tab in the build details page, I can see that changes include not only that dev's changes, but also some of commits to master - like pull request merges, which do contain changes to /src/folder. We use GIT for source control.
I included the build trigger config screenshot and a changes tab screenshot.
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Hello Alex,
I would like to note that the changes you can see at build instance would reflect not the list of changes that triggered the build, but rather all changes that were pending, matched and included.
Could you please provide a build log (retrieved via "Download full build log") and graph screenshot for any build which includes changes from master branch? You could do so via "Submit a request" form which allows private file attachments.
Same problem