TC Professional Server lic and Project Export

Please forgive me if this has been asked previously.

Professional Server License - Version: 2019.1.3

While I fight with our purchasing department to get our Enterprise edition of TeamCity renewed, I loaded a version of the Professional Server so that I can start to build solutions that are using VS 2019, .NET 4.8 and Core 3.0.

Right now, I'm trying to figure out how to export a project a project that I created in the professional instance, so that I can import it into the enterprise edition.  I'm aware that I can't run the project, I just need to make sure that all changes/updates applied are placed back into the enterprise edition.

When I edit the build configuration of my project, and click on the "actions" drop down, I don't see an option to export the project.  So, how can I do an export?

I have attached an image of what I'm seeing, below.



1 comment

Hi Marc,

You can export your project from the Project Settings page. From your screenshot, it looks like you're on the Build Configuration Settings page. There are some instructions on exporting the project in our documentation found here:

Depending on what all you plan on doing on your temporary installation, it might be worth mentioning the scope and limitations involved with exporting a project. You'll also find these on the link above. If your installation will be on a different machine, you may want to look at the documentation found here:

Once you have your Enterprise license, you can simply add the license to your installation from the Licenses page in the Administration area. After your key has been entered, the installation will switch to Enterprise mode.


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