Assign Agent to a different Pool via OpenAPI Plugin
Hello JB/TC -
I am interested in the ability to reassign agents to new pools via custom plugin.
I've searched through TeamCity OpenAPI documentation for means to assign an agent to a new pool when a job is complete, but have not been able to find suitable interfaces to access TeamCity's Agent Pool services.
I have the ability to 'disable' an agent through OpenAPI using the snippet below, but I am unable to update the agent's pool.
override fun buildStarted(sRunningBuild: SRunningBuild) {
sRunningBuild.agent.setEnabled(false, null, "Build Flow Disabled")
Any assistance if possible would be greatly appreciated.
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I'd like to assign agents to pools from a TeamCity plugin using JAVA API. What are the options?
Alina Mishina, Yegor Yarko Sergey Pak?