Adding a custom build parameter for System.DateTime
I am wanting to implement the following version number format for my build "YYYY.MM.Rev".
Is there a way i can add a build parameter or environment variable to read the Systems DateTime ?
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Hi Corbin,
that's an interesting request. As of now, there aren't any exposed variables to pick up that value, although there should be a pretty easy way to handle that:
-Create two build parameters for year and month.
-Keep them updated, if it's only once a month it should be easy.
To avoid having to manually do it, it should be rather easy to set up a build configuration that is schedule triggered at the start of a month and updates this parameters via the REST API. Setting them at the root project level means you should be able to use all throughout your system due to inheritance.
Hi Denis,
I thought that was the way id have to do it, thanks for the help :)
(Using TeamCity Enterprise 2018.2.2 (build 61245))
How do you automate the build configuration to update the year and month parameter?
This could have been trivial with a date parameter in TeamCity :|
I've created two parameters (BuildMonth and BuildYear) in the <Root project> and created a sub project that will contain the build configuration.
How do I approach the REST API within the Build Configuration that updates the parameters? Powershell? Writing something in C# that accesses the REST API and updates the values?
Hi Harald,
You can use any language you feel comfortable with. The most common option is curl, which is available for most supported platforms and can be run as a command line script. Powershell is also a common option in windows. Writing an actual application (C# or otherwise) could give even more flexibility but is probably overkill for this task.