/app/rest/buildTypes/id:{id}/parameters endpoint issue
When hitting the above API from postman to get the parameters whenever the validation_mode is regex the returned regex in the response for some builds are incorrect like I am getting this regex in a response 20|[0-9|]|[0-9|]_(0|[1-9|]||1|[012|]) but its value should be 20[0-9][0-9]_(0[1-9] || 1[012]) . why is it returning the extra ‘|’ symbols ?
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TeamCity uses a vertical bar `|` as an escape character, so you see it added before special characters. However, it doesn't look like it's required to be escaped like this in the response, so I have reported it in our issue tracker: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-91710
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Thank You !! :)