"Failed to determine if build is trusted" for some projects

With TeamCity 2024.12 we ran into the issue that some build would not start. We use Gitea as version control, but we see no direct correlation between the projects where it did and did not happen.

We had to disable the checkbox in the screenshot to allow builds to run.


Hi Sebastiaan,

Could you provide more details regarding the builds that won't start? What do you see for such builds?
Logging checkbox should only enable logging of the untrusted builds in the build log, similar to the following screenshot; it doesn't cancel the build:

You can find more information on the untrusted builds here: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/teamcity/untrusted-builds.html.

Please note that Untrusted Builds currently support only GitHub and GitLab. Since you are using another VCS, I would recommend avoid using this feature (since your VCS is not supported, I assume that it's a possible cause for this issue as well).

Best regards,


Anton Vakhtel The build shows as follows and stays in the queue forever:


Hi Sebastiaan,

I see, thank you!
It looks like the Untrusted Builds feature itself is failing with your builds, which is most likely due to the fact that it does not support Gitea. As mentioned earlier, this feature only supports GitHub and GitLab.
As of now, there are no known issues with this feature and supported Version Control Systems.
Disabling the logging for the untrusted builds effectively disables this feature, and I would recommend leaving it disabled when working with unsupported Version Control Systems.
Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

Best regards,

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