Very slow artifact publishing
We're seeing extremely slow artifact publishing.
We've verified that other transfers occurs at full speed (~1700-2400 Mbit/s).
Downloading artifacts are very fast, but uploading is extremely slow.
We've tried everything, changed to SSL, upgraded, changed all settings we've found online. Nothing can seem to improve the uploading artifact speeds.
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Hi Linus,
Were you experiencing the slow artifact publishing previously, or were there any recent changes that might have resulted in this problem?
Did you also check for possible network-related issues? It is possible such issues are caused by network components such as antivirus/firewall/proxy on the server or between the server and the agents. If you did not check for this possibility, you can try to disable or bypass them and check the performance again before continuing troubleshooting.
If that does not help, please enable debug logging on the agent, and reproduce the issue and share the teamcity-agent.log together with the build log and the teamcity-server.log covering the same time period via our secure upload service:
There is a possible workaround: TeamCity offers the ability to modify the buffer sizes for both sending and receiving, and it can be done by setting the following properties in the
file:Perhaps you can try to tweak these settings in your build agents and check if it helps.
We've tried this but notice no difference. We still see very slow artifact uploading speeds:
Will publish 1 artifact(s) to TeamCity node with id MAIN_SERVER
Perhaps you were trying to share more information and something went wrong?
Is it possible that you are using an old java version in your TeamCity Server or in your build agents? As mentioned in the following comment of another post, there are reported cases in which this was causing slow artifact uploads:
You can also try to use the following small utility that can test the artifact upload in a bare-bones scenario:
This utility runs the Tomcat server and then uploads a file to it. You can try to use it and measure how long it takes to upload the same file and compare it with TeamCity. If it is faster, there is probably something wrong on the TeamCity side, but if the speed is the same, it might be something with Tomcat.
Please let me know your findings.