Cloud profile and Agents pool
I have the next case. Configured cloud profile with 20 instance max. 4 images configured to up 10-12 agents and assigned to same agent pool. Agent pool limit 12 agents. So when I perform the run it takes only 10 agents from the first image and ignoring the rest. Is this normal behavior? I thought that it will try to use next image when the first will reach the limit.
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Provided the other images are compatible with the builds in the queue and there are free agent licenses, 12 agents should start from the compatible images into the pool.
Hi Yegor,
as you can see, images are the same. the difference only in VPC subnet. but it started only 10 agents. after I changed Max # for the first image and 2 agents was added. btw, I also pointed, that after change Source for all 4 images from screenshot. it up agent for test only for first image and other left unregistered. I can provide you detailed information about every image I have if needed.
any news?
I'd suggest to reproduce the case of compatible agents in the queue without agent starting making sure you did not perform any recent settings modifications, collect the data and send it to us.
Please include the data:
Hi Yegor,
Problem not in the queue, problem that it starts agent and register only for the first image even when different pool.
the case is simple and I recreated it yesterday:
1. Create new Cloud profile and fill all settings correctly
2. Add first image which using AMI as source and attach it to pool #1
3. Add second image with same AMI as source and attach it to pool #2
4. Click on Save button on Cloud profile page.
Expected result: one test agent run for each pool.
Actual result: only agent for the pool #1 was run, projects from pool #2 not able to start because of no agents.
P.S. in this case doesn't matter which agents are compatible. because it registered 1 AMI instead of 2.
also I got one more issue yesterday:
after adding EBS image as second after AMI image received 800+ copies of my cloud profile. not sure it's relevant case because didn't try to reproduce it after.
But scenario looks same as provided above just replace paragraph #3 with:
Use EBS image as source and assign it to any pool.
Also not sure you need logs to reproduce case #1. I think the same happens when you are trying to use different cloud images for the same pool.
Hi Pavel, unfortunately, it is not supposed to work this way, so far: you can't use the same ami within the same cloud profile more than once. In your case you need to split your profile into two ones.
Also, concerning the error with many profiles ( - can you please attch teamcity-server.log and teamcity-clouds.log to the issue?
Hi Sergey,
already did it, thanks. it would be good to have this informations somewhere in documentation.
Will check and attach logs to the issue. Also I have a question not related to the topic. I accidentally found in google is it opened for public? if no, please remove my user there(pavelm).
Pavel, is our public teamcity server for OSS (both ours and third-party) projects.