Custom Email Template with FogBugz Case Data
Hi there,
I'd like to customize my commont.ftl template or build_successful.ftl to have the Issue Tracker Data in it.
I'm using FogBugz tracking system, which I had successfully integrated with my TeamCity Plugins(
Now I'd like to have a FogBugz ticket/case data in the build success email.
Trying to add a <#macro/> within the namespace "jetbrains.buildServer.issueTracker.IssueData", but no luck.
Getting the error [TEAMCITY TEMPLATE ERROR] in the email.
Below I have a pic of the Issue Data in Issues tab. This data I'd like to have in a build success email.
Any help I'll appreciate.
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Hi Emil,
Could you please attach full build_successful.ftl file?
Hi Alina,
Thanks for getting back to my question.
Actually I found how to get the Issue Data.
I have created a new <#macro> in comon/ftl.
<#macro calyx_fogbugz bean>
<#-- @ftlvariable name="bean" type="jetbrains.buildServer.notification.impl.ChangesBean" -->
<#-- @ftlvariable name="webLinks" type="jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.WebLinks" -->
<#assign modNum=bean.modificationsNumber/>
<#if (modNum > 0)>
<div style="${separatorStyle}"></div>
<#list bean.modifications as mod>
<#list build.getRelatedIssues() as issue>
Related FogBugz Case #<a href='${issue.getUrl()}'>${issue.getId()}</a>
Sorry for delay. I'm glad that issue was resolved!
Thank you for sharing your solution.