Checkout but no build?
I'm attempting to do a checkout and build. I think I got the checkout working (mostly with some road bumps) but it doesn't seem to call the ant task or give any errors about trying to call an ant task. Here's my project segment (modified slightly for security):
Also, it would be nice if the log messages used normal timestamps. Right now it shows like:
INFO - l.XmlConfigurationExternalizer - Will keep messages for 10 days but not less than 30 builds10 days for CodeHaus_XStream
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You have to specify 'build-file' property it you're sending the build file
In order to specify file on the agent computer use 'build-file-path'.
"Steve Wardell" <> wrote in message
I'm not clear on the change that I need to make. I changed build-file to build-file-path as shown below but received the same results of no build occurring. Was that the change I was supposed to make or a different change? If you could clarify that would be great.
Looks like the configuration has to work.
Could you please activate logging for the build agent (just uncomment block
--> in agent_dist/bin/log4j.xml file ), restart agent and attach console output? "Steve Wardell" ]]> wrote in message
Here's the log entries I see (I changed the IP and hostname for security reasons):
INFO - brains.buildServer.NetworkUtil - Found Network Interfaces:
INFO - r.agent.impl.ServerXmlRpcProxy - Registering on build server: Agent 9090 [, , ]]>]
INFO - rver.agent.impl.BuildAgentImpl - Applying patch...
INFO - rver.agent.impl.BuildAgentImpl - Patch applied in 8 seconds
INFO - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - Runtime classpath:
INFO - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - Ant working directory: /usr/local/buildAgent/work/Trunk
Any further thoughts on the issue or data I could provide to help diagnose this? I'm kind of at a standstill as a result.
Hi Steve,
Please try to replace INFO with DEBUG in the section
Sorry for the silence, Olesya is out of the office for a week.
With kind regards,
That helped get more useful data. Here's the new log data (I'm not seeing as a way to attach the file to this message so sorry for the long paste):
INFO - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - Ant working directory: /usr/local/buildAgent/work/Trunk
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - java -Dbuild.working.dir=/usr/local/buildAgent/work/Trunk -Dant.home=/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant -Dagent.classpath=/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerMessages.jar:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/xpp3_min- -Dant.task.extensions=jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.CompilerAntExtension, -classpath /usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar -lib /usr/local/buildAgent/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerRuntimeUtil.jar:/usr/local/buildAgent/plugins/antPlugin/lib/buildServerAntRunntime.jar -listener jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentBuildListener -buildfile /usr/local/buildAgent/work/Trunk/build.xml Banter_Dev_Build
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - Buildfile: /usr/local/buildAgent/work/Trunk/build.xml
DEBUG - erver.agent.impl.ServerMonitor - Agent ping from server
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner -
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - BUILD FAILED
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jetbrains.buildServer.messages.BlockMessage
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.Class.initializeClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.ServerLoggerFacade.activityStarted (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentBuildListener.taskStarted (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.Enum not found in jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentClassLoader{urls=[file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerMessages.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/xpp3_min-,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerXmlRpcWrapper.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/plugins/antPlugin/lib/buildServerAntServerLogging.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/nanocontainer-1.0-RC-1.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/xmlrpc-2.0.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerRuntimeUtil.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/plugins/ant/lib/ant-nodeps.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerCommonRuntime.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/xstream-1.1.2.jar],{urls=[file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerRuntimeUtil.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/plugins/antPlugin/lib/buildServerAntRunntime.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-vaj.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-weblogic.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-netrexx.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-bsf.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-icontract.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-log4j.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-stylebook.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-xalan1.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-starteam.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-oro.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-junit.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/xercesImpl.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-jsch.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-jmf.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-commons-logging.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-xslp.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/xml-apis.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-bcel.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-swing.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-jai.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-trax.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-commons-net.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-nodeps.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-regexp.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-antlr.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-javamail.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/junit.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-jdepend.jar,file:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader{urls=[file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}}}
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.VMClassLoader.defineClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.Class.forName (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.Class.initializeClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - ...11 more
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner -
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - Total time: 1 second
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: jetbrains.buildServer.messages.TextMessage
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.Class.initializeClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.ServerLoggerFacade.error (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentBuildListener.processException (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentBuildListener.buildFinished (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: java.lang.Enum not found in jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentClassLoader{urls=[file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerMessages.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/xpp3_min-,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerXmlRpcWrapper.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/plugins/antPlugin/lib/buildServerAntServerLogging.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/nanocontainer-1.0-RC-1.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/xmlrpc-2.0.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerRuntimeUtil.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/plugins/ant/lib/ant-nodeps.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerCommonRuntime.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/xstream-1.1.2.jar],{urls=[file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/junit-3.8.1.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/lib/buildServerRuntimeUtil.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/plugins/antPlugin/lib/buildServerAntRunntime.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-vaj.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-weblogic.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-netrexx.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-bsf.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-icontract.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-log4j.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-stylebook.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-xalan1.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-starteam.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-oro.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-junit.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/xercesImpl.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-resolver.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-jsch.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-jmf.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-commons-logging.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-xslp.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/xml-apis.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-bcel.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-swing.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-jai.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-trax.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-commons-net.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-nodeps.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-apache-regexp.jar,file:/usr/local/bui
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - ldAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-antlr.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-javamail.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/junit.jar,file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-jdepend.jar,file:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.4.2-gcj-], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.SystemClassLoader{urls=[file:/usr/local/buildAgent/bin/../plugins/ant/lib/ant-launcher.jar], parent=gnu.gcj.runtime.ExtensionClassLoader{urls=[], parent=null}}}}
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.VMClassLoader.defineClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - at java.lang.Class.initializeClass (
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - ...8 more
DEBUG - erver.agent.ant.AntBuildRunner - jetbrains.buildServer.messages.TextMessage
DEBUG - erver.agent.impl.AgentLogProxy - Send buildFinished for 96 OK
Hi Steve,
I guess the problem is in the JDK version. It looks like BuildAgent unable to find
java.lang.Enum class when running the build. Until the next EAP, Build Agents are
capable to run only JDK 1.5 - based builds, and you're probably using 1.4. Is it the case?
Hope this helps,
That helps some. So here's what's going on:
I'm running this on Fedora Core 5 (which comes with the OSS 1.4 JDK) I have the Sun 1.5 JDK installed and I also have JAVA_HOME environmental variable set to point to the 1.5 JDK directory so TeamServer is running the 1.5 JDK. My build also requires Java 1.5. However, it seems like Ant is still picking up from other files on the system to use Java 1.4 even though JAVA_HOME environmental variable is point to 1.5. I would argue that this should be the responsibility of TeamWare through TeamWare configuration to tell Ant the JDK that it should use. This would make using the product much simpler. This could possibly even be extended to allow configuration of multiple JDKs to use for building. So for example, older verions of our product were targetted at using the 1.4.2 JDK while newer versions use Java 1.5 for building so it could have been helpful to have different branches of the code compiler with different versions of the JDK.
In a related note, the build shows "Success". In this case, the build did not succeed. There is no information shown on the TeamWare web page to show the output of the failure exceptions and show that it did not succeed. I think this needs to be improved.
I guess that in your situation TeamServer just picks java which is available in the
PATH. We'll change it to use JAVA_HOME, if this environment variable is set.
You may watch .
Agree here. But even now, it is possible to use different JDK's, but in more complicated way - you have to specify appropriate jdk's in your build script.
It's a real bug. Please watch
Thanks a lot for your help!
Along those lines, are you planning on shipping with a JDK, as IDEA does? It does a lot to simplify the out-of-the-box setup/install.
--Dave Griffith
Exactly :).
And if for Jetbrains it's too much work to build with and without JDK/JRE, than maybe this tool from
ex-Jetbrains employees might help(it takes just a few clicks :) ):
and here is how to include the JRE/JDK :) :
This tool it's a good example of how easy can be to build, and at least for the moment it's
much more practical than the Teamserver :).
I've added Java 1.5 first in my path and the build now works (well enough for me to debug I think). Thanks for your help! I've added watches to the two items you mentioned. Thanks for your help!
Unfortunately, they don't support building of web applications, so this tool is not for us,
at least in their first version.
Kind regards,
I see no problem here - we can ship with JRE.
The question is, would you really download 80mb instead of 35? ;)
Why "instead"? There should be both possibilities there.
I think its me who should be thankful here. With your help we've found tough problems
which probably wouldn't be discovered otherwise.
With best regards,
Well, this was meant more ironically :). IMHO many of the features from that tool should
be in fact in TeamServer to be able to use it simply and in a comfortable manner.
And the question is how many people would choose larger distro?
I guess, none from EAP. Or I'm wrong?
I think you'll be able to use BuildDesk to create sophisticated build scripts for the TeamServer - they generate Ant scripts.
And you can also use IDEA's embedded facilities to create more simple run configurations (we plan to improve IDEA's build script generation capabilities).
IMO BuildDesk mostly targets not continuous integration builds, but release ones (with all that obfuscation and repackaging).
>>> I see no problem here - we can ship with JRE.
>>> The question is, would you really download 80mb
>> instead of 35? ;)
>> Why "instead"? There should be both possibilities
>> there.
IMHO you are wrong.
First time users get scared by your long "install steps list".
They need something that can simply downloaded and it just works.
>> Well, this was meant more ironically :). IMHO many of
>> the features from that tool should
>> be in fact in TeamServer to be able to use it simply
>> and in a comfortable manner.
And I think most of the users won't buy "Yet Another Tool" just to be able to build the product:
The fragmentation is just too high and requires just too many steps.
IMHO users expect from TeamServer to do all those jobs with as less working steps as possible.
The question is, would you really download 80mb instead of 35?
Heh. Check my e-mail address, and try to imagine the bandwidth I have available.
--Dave Griffith
Would you like to share it for the rest of community :)
Dave Griffith wrote:
Dave Griffith wrote:
I don't think my internet connection is particularly bad. I just timed
my download of and (together are about
80MB) and it took me 1 minute and 23 seconds. But I am an impatient man
and would prefer to download TeamServer without the jdk if possible.