[TC 4.0] clearcase problem
When I make some changes from my view on my dev stream and then deliver it to the integration stream where the TC snapshot points, none of my changes are detected within TC...
But when I look into my snapshot folder the changes are there...
The workaround I've found is to delete TeamCity cache folders, but I still don't have the changes report in TeamCity...
I use TC4.0rc build 8018 and I've put the clearcase.jar from the issue TW-5932 ( http://jetbrains.net/tracker/workspace?currentIssueId=TW-5932 )
Furthermore I'm wondering why we have to specify a view path to a subfolder of a component which is loaded in the view? Can't we specify the path to the loaded component?
I have to play with checkout rules to load the full component, but if there is changes in another sbfolder of the component than the one given in the view path, does TC notice them?
Here is the commands I use to create my snapshot view :
cleartool mkview -snapshot -stream stream:j2ee_Integration@\pvob_trainstore -tag VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee -vws
cleartool mkview -snapshot -stream stream:j2ee_Integration@\pvob_trainstore -tag VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee -vws \\spicnadev06\ccstg_d\views\SIV\dsiv_asspic_svc\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee.vws D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee
And then I add the correct load rules :
cleartool update -add_loadrules D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee\trainstore
So in D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee\trainstore, I have subfolders like trainstoreProject, trainstoreWeb, trainstoreEJB, .... The correct view path is D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee\trainstore but I have to specify something like D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee\trainstore\trainstoreEJB as view path...
If there is some changes in D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee\trainstore\trainstoreWeb does TC will notice them??
Xavier Seignard
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If you try to run "cleartool ls D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee\trainstore@@\main\LATEST" (or any other version) to view the content of this directory you will get a cleartool error. On the other hand if you try to run "cleartool ls D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee\trainstore\trainstoreWeb\..@@\main\LATEST" (this path equals the previous one) you wil get the directory content without any errors. That is why path to VOB is not allowed to be used as view path.
TeamCity will notice changes in all VOB subdirectories in case you set "VOB\subdir" as view path and added checkout rule "+:..=>".
Thanks for your answer,
But there is still a problem about notifying changes.
When I execute the following command :
I have this result :
So the last change was made at 11:04.09 the 27 of november 2008.
Then, I assume that you detect changes by comparing two cleartool lshistory outputs. So the following process should have detected the change above :
(from teamcity-vcs.log)
Here it seems that you don't find any changes between "27-November-2008.11:03:15" and "27-November-2008.11:04:25"
So, if I assmue right about the way you detect changes, there is a problem.
I just installed the 4.0 realease, and I still have the same problem.
No changes are detected
Does anyone can help me?
Xavier Seignard
Sorry for the delay in replying.
We are investigating the issue with ClearCase right now. Unfortunately, we were unable to include fixes into the release but we will provide you with a patch as soon as it is ready.
Best regards,
Yegor Yarko
Project Manager (TeamCity)
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
Can you please attach your config spec and the results of the following commands:
Below you'll find the command results.
If you need anything else, please let me know.
Xavier Seignard
cleartool lshistory -all -since 27-November-2008.11:03:15 -fmt %u#--#%Nd#--#%En#--#%m#--#%Vn#--#%o#--#%e#--#%Nc#--#%[activity]p###----###\n
cleartool lshistory -all -since 27-November-2008.11:04:25 -fmt %u#--#%Nd#--#%En#--#%m#--#%Vn#--#%o#--#%e#--#%Nc#--#%[activity]p###----###\n
cleartool lsvtree -obs -all D:\Snapshots\VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee\trainstore\trainstoreEar
cleartool catcs -tag VUE_PIC_INT_Trainstore_j2ee
Thank you for your answer. I'm investigating this bug and will let you know when I get results.
Seems I've fixed it. I created an issue in our tracker: http://jetbrains.net/tracker/issue/TW-6392. The patch that will fix this bug is attached there.
Thank you for your feedback.
Hello Maxim,
I tried your patch and it seems to work well. Changes have been detected where they wasn't before.
Thanks for your reactivity!