How can I add jars to ant's classpath?
how can I add additional jars to the classpath that is used by the internal Team City ant? Ant tasks like <script language="javascript"> require additional bsf, log4j and rhino jar files to be present on the class path of ant.
TeamCity is running as SYSTEM on windows.
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Usually there is no need to add additional jars to the Ant itself. You need to define task with help of <taskdef/> with correct classpath.
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, this is only true for custom ant task and not for the <script> tag that is already included with the ant distribution.
The only workaround that I have found so far is to add the required jars (bsf.jar, js.jar, log4j.jar) the ant/lib directory of the worker. But that feels like a workaround. I also tried adding a -classpath parameter to the java command line but that didn't solve the problem.
Any ideas?
I think you can try to add necessary jars via Ant command line parameter