Eclipse teamcity plugin integration with eclipse svn plugin


What can I do to debug errors regarding the following?

I have two maven svn projects in Eclipse.
When I do a teamcity remote run (with commit checked) on one of the projects, the teamcity plugin commits it, but it doesn't commit any files in the other project.
I am using:

Eclipse teamcity plugin v.
Eclipse Svn plugin (Subclipse) (Subversion client adapter)
Eclipse JEE for developers (Galileo)

Thanks in advance.

Best regards Trym
Permanently deleted user


Did you send both projects to RemoteRun the same attempt? Were all changes of both projects checked in Remote Run dialog?
Could you please run Eclipse in debug mode, retry your case and
provide us with debug's output and eclipse's error log?

Thanks in advance,

Permanently deleted user

Hi Konstantin,

Lets call the good project GoodProject and the other badProject :-).
It doesn't commit any files from the badProjects independent of whether or not I send both projects at the same time or only the badProject to remote run.
I have tried both cases regarding choosing a single file in the badProject when more are available and choosing a single file when only one is available with no difference.
My Eclipse debug log is attached (configured using the referenced configuration)
There is nothing in the Eclipse error log.

I know not if its important, but I noticed the user patch file (teamcity.5644305498392072898.patch) of the badProject have a "f" before the path to the changed file and the GoodProject has a "n". E.g.  "fP:\...", where P is my local drive.

Please tell me, if you need other logging information.
Thank you very much for your help.

Best regards Trym

Ps. The eclipse error log has the following entry:

!SESSION 2009-12-03 10:23:49.912 -----------------------------------------------
java.vendor=Sun Microsystems Inc.
BootLoader constants: OS=win32, ARCH=x86, WS=win32, NL=da_DK
Framework arguments:  -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product
Command-line arguments:  -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -debug -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product

Permanently deleted user

Hi Trym,

Does the "BadProject" belong to the same TeamCity configuration which runs successfully the "GoodProject"? I've even not found any entries for attempt to commit file after RemoteRun in the debug log. What options of "RR" you are using("...if build successful..." or "...if no new tests fail...")? What's result status of TeamCity build? Have you configured notification rules for configurations which serve the "BadProject"?

Thanks in advance,

Permanently deleted user

Hi Konstantin,

The badProject has a different Teamcity configuration.
When doing a RR I have marked "Commit after build(s) finish" and "only if builds are successful" (on both projects)
Teamcity says the build is successful in both projects and on the web it says for the badProject:

Result:  Tests passed: 194 Agent: Buildagent 1
Time: 03 Dec 09 11:01 - 11:19 (18m:05s) Triggered: by Trym R. Møller on 03 Dec 09 10:59

My personal notification rules are all related to "builds with my changes".

Best regards Trym

Message was edited by: Trym Møller
When I do a RR on the goodProject my debug log contains the following lines:
03-12-09 12:49 debug.ui: Task "" started
03-12-09 12:49 perfomance.vcs:  SVNSubscriber.refresh: Summary for 2 root(s): [455] ms
03-12-09 12:49 perfomance.vcs:   2 refreshed: [435] ms
03-12-09 12:49 debug.ui: Task "" started
03-12-09 12:49 perfomance.vcs:  SVNSubscriber.doDelayedCommit: Summary: [3.102] ms
03-12-09 12:49 perfomance.vcs:   2 resources validated: [3] ms
03-12-09 12:49 perfomance.vcs:   0 resource(s) added: [1] ms
03-12-09 12:49 perfomance.vcs:   2 resource(s) commited: [2.476] ms

When the run is finished I get a little window saying the build is finished.
Is there a way to debug what happens after this window appears. I expect that the teamcity plugin will read the oOuuQBR7IcP3uDb+8778kA==.personal file, see its a commit-build, look for the patch and ask subclipse to commit it?

Permanently deleted user

Hi Trym,

>When the run is finished I get a little window saying the build is finished.
have you seen such notification for "BadProject"(from a configuration builld affects by "BadProject")?

>Is there a way to debug what happens after this window appears
Unfortunattely 4.5.x(5.0 also, perhaps we'll expand logging in 5.0.1) branch does not include additional debug output generation for stage next to notification recieving.

>I expect that the teamcity plugin will read the oOuuQBR7IcP3uDb+8778kA==.personal file, see its a commit-build, look for the patch and ask subclipse to commit it?
Implementation of commit flow a bit different.

Thanks in advance,

Permanently deleted user

Hi Konstantin,

Yes, the message "build finished successfully" pops up when the build is finished also on the badProject.

A colleage of mine doesn't encounter the same problem.
Is there a chance, that the teamcity server configuration of the teamcity project can be broken with regard to my user?

Can you give inspiration to where the problem may be and other ways to analyse it?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards Trym

Permanently deleted user

Hi Trym,

For beginning you can compare IDE notification settings with these ones of your colleage has not met the issue.
I'll add additional logging for notification part of plugin and can deploy it for you.

Thanks in advance,

PS. Try to recreate your Eclipse workspace just in case.


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