BZR plugin for TeamCity

Does anyone have a binary of a bzr plugin for teamcity they would be willing to send me?  I would like to use TeamCity 5.0 but have not had much luck getting the plugin going.  You can email me at



I just tried to build the plugin and it kind of worked for me, but I am not sure how well it works, etc.

You can find the binary attached to TW-7914.

Permanently deleted user

Thanks.  Can you post intstructions for building the plugin?  I'm not a java developer and know nothing about Maven.



I made several manual steps and describing all them so they can be easily repeated can be quite an effort. They rather should be automated then described...

I guess the main issue is that plugin expects several TeamCity jars to be available in the the Maven repository, but we do not deploy them into any public repo and I am not sure somebody else does.

I just opened the plugin in IntelliJ IDEA (as Maven project), patched the libraries to add locally available TeamCity jars and then assembled the plugin distribution manually.

Permanently deleted user

Sounds complicated.  I imported the plugin and attempted to setup a vcs root using launchpad and got an error.

I have the following values:

command path:  bzr
pull changes from:
branch name:  <blank>
user name: <blank>
password: <blank>

When I test the connection I get this message:

org.emergent.bzr4j.core.BazaarException: exitCode==3 ; stderr: bzr: ERROR: unknown command "xmlinfo"

I installed version .84 of xmloutput bzr plugin and running bzr xmlinfo from the command lines doens't give an error.  

any idea what is going on there?



Plugin questions should be addressed to the plugin authors... Not sure they read this forum.


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