Updating VersionOne plugin from TC 4.x


I want to use VersionOne's plugin for TeamCity (which is open source) however it has only been developed for 4.x, where we're using TC 5.0.1 so when I tried to install it the jars were ignored on startup.

Assuming that this is due to the changes you made to the API in TC 5, I've downloaded the source from their website and was wondering if anyone had any advice, or even better can point me to some existing documentation, which explains how I might go about updating a plugin from 4.x to 5.

Also, do you think it's likely to be a major task, or more just a case of swapping out some libraries, updating some config type elements and perhaps restructuring things a bit?

Either way, I'm definitely interested in learning about TC's API as I may have other uses for it too



1 comment


Please make sure you install the plugin right: TeamCityNotificator.9.0.zip should be put into .BuildServer/plugins and RENAMED to TeamCityNotificator.zip

Only after this you should get "VersionOne Integration Settings" section on Administration > Server Configuration page in TeamCity.

I just tried to install the plugin in TeamCity 5.0.2 and it at least displays the settings OK.

However, if you do plan to change the sources of the plugin (e.g. the plugin uses depricated API), please review our corresponding doc. There are some links to existing open-sourced plugins that may be helpful.

I am not sure what the VersionOne TeamCity integration plugin license is, but if it is permissive enough, you can probably share your work with all the other users.


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