Teamcity Symbol/source server plugin strange URL that is not documented
I'm using TC 9.1.1 and trunk version of Symbol server plugin:
Plugin Name | Version | Vendor | Home Path |
Symbol Server Allows to use TeamCity as a Windows symbol server
1.0.4 | JetBrains, s.r.o. | <TeamCity Data Directory>\.unpacked\symbol-server |
After installing this plugin and configuring as described here
I started the build of my project. The idea was to build project and pack it in nuget and use this nuget package(during build i've creating nuget and symbols packages + publishing the pdbs to project artifacts) in VS2013/2015. I want to be able to step into nuget package code during debug if needed, that was build on my TC.
But i have failed. In VS during test run(jetbrains runner) debug i see lines like this:
'JetBrains.ReSharper.TaskRunner.CLR4.MSIL.exe' (CLR v4.0.30319: NUnit XXXXXX.DomainModel.Tests): Loaded 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\43ou24rb.usv\jfivw1ep.wuc\XXXXXX.DomainModel.Tests\assembly\dl3\fc42dcc5\79d9d45e_18d0d001\XXXXXX.DomainModel.Services.FileStorage.dll'. Symbols loaded.
SRCSRV: The module 'C:\Users\root\AppData\Local\Temp\43ou24rb.usv\jfivw1ep.wuc\XXXXXX.DomainModel.Tests\assembly\dl3\fc42dcc5\79d9d45e_18d0d001\XXXXXX.DomainModel.Services.FileStorage.dll' does not contain source server information.
After some investigation i noticed that in build logs there is some strange URL(server:port/app/sources/) - this url i didn't see in any articles on how to config plugin or in any post about MS source server technology.
From build log:
Detail screenshots of my build log in attach.
If go on to this address in browser i will see this:
HTTP Status 404 - Url is invalid
type Status report
message Url is invalid
description The requested resource is not available.
Apache Tomcat/7.0.59
So my questions is -
1. What did I missed?
2. Any possible fix of this so i can use symbol server plugin and step into my own nuget package source code. ?
3. What is this url and why it didn't used in any of place to configure plugin
4. Should I use this url in vs on tab Symbols? - my suggestion, but it returns 404, so...maybe i need to fix it somehow, before adding there?
Anyway, vs even didn't donwloading needed sources to debug...
I think this is questions to Evgeniy Koshkin, because he is developer of this plugin.
I hope He and community can help me!
If any other info will be needed, i can provide it(logs, etc)
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Any one?
Hello, Vladimir
Looks like the problem in your case is that you have to copies of your symbols.
One - packed and published via nuget package which wasn't source-indexed by the plugin on the agent.
One - published as TeamCity artifact, which is source indexed by the plugin.
As for /app/sources/ endpoint - it is not configured. It's used to authenticate request and redirect it to TeamCity REST API method.
1. So artifacts that are published(pdbs, not nuget symbol packages) should be removed, right?
2. How i need to configure /app/sources/ ?
1. Nope, the only way to publish indexed pdb's at the moment is to use TeamCity artifact rules. Indexing of pdb's published as a part of nuget package is not supported at the moment. Feel free to watch related issue
So let's check if the correct pdb was loaded from TeamCity. You can do it by yourself or send resolved pdb file to me.
2. Why do you need it?
1. "So let's check if the correct pdb was loaded from TeamCity. You can do it by yourself or send resolved pdb file to me." How can i do it?
2. So i don't need the /app/sources for correct work of symbol/source server?
3. Publishing of nuget.symbol packages can be disabled because VS won't use it, right?
1. Please send me onte of pdb's loaded by VS to symbol cache directory, use the email for that or just attach it to this thread. I'll investagate.
2. You need it. Via pdb modification we tell the VS to go to URL's under /app/sources/ when it need source file.
3. Yes, it could be disabled.
what email should i use for you?
How i can configure /app/sources url to work?
evgeniy.koshkin at jetbrains dot com
Top level URL is not working. Specific URL's written to pdb's while source-indexing them should work.
For more details, please look at
Please tell me how to configure thesymbols so url will be correct and pdb will work. Spesific steps, not the reading source code of your plugin. Thanks!
sent you and email with latest pdb. Please investigate it.
So pdb file downloaded by VS is not source indexed. Please provide
- VS logs while its resolving pdb
- http traffic from VS to TeamCity server (Fiddler to help)
- TeamCity server logs with debug logging enabled while VS accessing TeamCity
Hi, ok, all info will be prepared, i will sent it to you in same email chain, ok?
Hi, sorry for delay. Currently i don't have time to perform this operations(to prepare files that you asked) I hope i will do it in one month, ok? I will be back soon when i will have time to prepare required data for You, ok?
It's ok. I'll stay in touch.