Independent Distribution?
Are there any plans to allow and to distribute/sell Teamware as
and independent product from IntelliJ (let's say for those that don't use
it?) - e.g. cruisecontrol is also independent?:
Thanks in advance,
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Hello Ahmed,
We do not have dependecies on IDEA in TeamServer right now and IDE integration
will only add convinient features to the whole.
Maxim Shafirov
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
I'm asking this, because:
1. there's (I saw) no product page for TeamWare (e.g. MPS has a product page even
if it's still in research)
2. users usually don't have religious/affective bindings to a build server
as they have to IDEs, so it might be a good strategy to offer it as a separate
product, cause this might convince some (non IntelliJ users) that if the TeamServer
was good, it might make sense to give the IDE a fair try :).
Yes, TeamServer is a separate product. Currently it's developed together
with IDEA 6.0 because they are tightly integrated. And the first release
of TeamServer is planned for the same moment as IDEA 6.0 release. But after
the first release, TeamServer will have it's own releases, not connected
with IDEA releases. Moreover, we plan integrations with other IDEs as well
(Eclipse, NetBeans), but probably not in the first release. And TeamServer
is not java-only product. We plan support for .NET platform with VisualStudio.NET
integration (it's likely to be available in the first release already).
The product page for TeamWare/TeamServer (we don't know the real name yet)
will be added.
Valentin Kipiatkov
Chief Scientist, Vice President of Product Development
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"
>> Sure!
>> We do not have dependecies on IDEA in TeamServer right now and IDE
>> integration will only add convinient features to the whole.