Roadmap for Maven integration, reporting, ClearCase integration
we are currently evaluating TeamCity for a big enterprise project. Can you tell us what's on the roadmap for 3.0 and beyond in the following areas:
1) Maven integration: We have a multi-module Maven2 project with close to 50 modules. Setting them up manually is a big pain, especially since all the necessary information is already in the POMs. Do you have any plans on tighter Maven integration? Ideally we would just point to the POM of our top-level project and watch TeamCity set up all the projects and their build dependencies automatically (as Hudson does). Also we would need all TeamCity features (especially inspections!) to be available to Maven projects.
2) Reporting: Trends on build time are a good start, but what we really need are trends on metrics (code size, cyclomatic complexity, etc.), inspection results, test results, and test coverage. What can we expect for 3.0 and beyond? Also we need those trends both on the whole project and on individual sub-projects (Maven modules in our case).
3) ClearCase integration
As a big shop we are stuck with ClearCase (version 7), depriving us of some of TeamCity's most interesting features (e.g. delayed commit). So the obvious question is, will ClearCase (Base) ever become a first-class Team Citizen, and if so when? What about developers working with Eclipse and ClearCase Remote Client?
Thanks for your answers.
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We had on the roadmap and most probably will support running Inspections and Duplicate builds on Maven projects in TeamCity 3.0. As to generating TeamCity projects from the POM, I am afraid this is not yet planned for any specific release. However, I believe this functionality can be implemented as a plugin for TeamCity.
For the 3.0 release our plans are to bundle the following graphs:
- build duration,
- code coverage (with class, method, block and line coverage lines),
- inspection and duplicates counts,
- tests count and test duration with detail to any single test,
- build failure percentage,
- build agents load graph.
However, TeamCity open API will support publishing any build metrics and displaying corresponding graphs with minimum efforts.
We plan to support personal builds/delayed commit for ClearCase-controlled sources from IntelliJ IDEA for this release. Time frame for support of CC for Visual Studio and Eclipse has not yet been determined.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need more information on TeamCity features or further plans.
Best regards,
Yegor Yarko
Quality Assurance Engineer
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"