How to add a filter to the build log tab?
First post so sorry if I missed guidelines on posting I couldn't seem to find any.
And I am new to TeamCity so I apologize for giving bad descriptions.
I am looking to add a new filter for the build log tab.
The important messages tab does not give me the results I would like.
I have a .jsp file that does filtering based on a logfile but I don't know how to give it to TeamCity.
Anyways how do you create a new filter for the build log tab?
Thanks, Alex
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Hello, Alex,
Currently there is no easy way to extend build log filtering.You can only do it by digging into TeamCity API and writing a plugin.
What particular filtering do you need for your logs?
Alright thanks.
That is what I have managed to create.
I have a filtering created, but basically something that identifies and highlights the errors in the logfiles.
Thanks, for your time.
In TeamCity 7.0 EAP you can also find Error messages filter which shows only red messages on Tree view tab in build log. May be it will be useful for you.
When you say TeamCity 7.0 EAP is this the link that I should be looking at?
Using the red messages as filtering does not seem to work.
For example this would be the result if I used the red messages
[11:32:20]: [] if (53m:16s)
[11:32:20]: [if] exec (53m:16s)
[12:25:37]: [exec] exec returned: 1
[12:25:38]: [Step 2/4] Step Build C/C++ sources (Ant) failed
From this I cannot see where the error occured.
TeamCity EAP page is
Not sure that I fully understand your case.
Probably you could attach your build log and describe what filtering result do you require.
You could also attach the custom filter sources that you've crated so that I'll be able to review them.
The EAP seems to have a lot of extra things.
Trying out the
I have added a build failure condition by having it match a string.
I was expecting the 'offending' line to be highlighted as well.
Is there a way to have the offending line highlighted?
Hello, Allex,
Seems that you need something like
Are you?
That would give the desired result.
Thank you for the feedback. Please vote for the provided issue. We'll work on it after releasing TeamCity 7.0.
If you have workarounded the problem with the help of a plugin, you may share it with other users.
I have voted for that issue.
In the mean time I have found this page.
By the looks of it I can "Add a tab" on the build results page.
Unfortunately I don't exactly know how to start this process to add a page.
Do you know of any examples for this, or where a good place to look for examples would be?
I see the example but that seems to already be in the final stages and it is just shipped in.
The main topic concerning developing TeamCity plugins is
To add a custom build results tab you normally need to implement jetbrains.buildServer.web.openapi.ViewLogTab interface with constuctor
public MyTab(WebControllerManager manager, SBuildServer server) {
super("My Tab", "myTabId", manager, server);
In the fillModel(Map<String, Object> model, HttpServletRequest request) method you may retrieve information about build from request and filter the desired message.
myTab.jsp is for printing the found message from model.
You need to package the plugin in a special way described at and provide valid plugin descriptor.
As an example of creating custom tab please review which is part of TeamCity NuGet support plugin.
Feel free to ask questions if any.
I have tried to make a new tab however I did not succeed.
My steps were that
I had tried to use the line
public class myTab extends ViewLogTab implements jetbrains.buildServer.web.openapi.ViewLogTab{
but get the error
The type ViewLogTab cannot be a superinterface of myTab; a superinterface must be an interface
So I used
public class myTab extends ViewLogTab{
to create the file
I have created a 'bean' called
and placed it in a folder called META-INF
(Because this was in eclipse I exported my package myTab which contained the .java file and the folder containing the .xml)
I then took the jar file and zipped it.
Then I copied the jar file to
C:\Documents and Settings\akeursten\.BuildServer\plugins
I then restarted the server by using
C:\TeamCity\bin>runAll.bat stop
C:\TeamCity\bin>runAll.bat start
And then checked for the tab.
I imagine my main problem is my bean file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bean id="myTab"
<property name="placeId" value="BUILD_RESULTS_TAB"/>
<property name="pluginName" value="myPlugin"/>
<property name="includeUrl" value="myTab.jsp"/>
Would you know what I am doing wrong?
And thank you for all the help!
Hello, Alex,
You should pack your plugin in the following way (I mark folders with *):
server *
buildServerResources *
Where MyTab.class is the compiled MyTab class from file.
build-server-plugin-myTab.xml is:
and teamcity-plugin.xml is:
So I had
I took teamcity-plugin.xml and server and zipped to and put that .zip file into
C:\Documents and Settings\akeursten\.BuildServer\plugins
and then stoped and started the server and ran the build for a new build.
Looking at the tabs there does not seem to be any new Tab.
Looking at my files I don't seem to specify anywhere what the "PlaceID" should be.
to my bean file does not seem to yield any results.
Eclipse also seems to think there is something wrong with the line
"The public identifier must begin with either a single or double quote character."
But googling it seems that Spring uses that format so that seems to be alright.
I guess what a good question would be is there someway for me to check if the code gets loaded successfully?
I seem to have a "TeamCity Build Agent" but looking at it I don't see anything that would indicate a problem with the files.
Would you know where to go from here?
Going to
Administration -> Plugin List
I can see the "myTab" under External plugins so I guess it is installing something.
Hello, Alex,
To detect if the plugin was loaded have a look at Administration -> Server configuration -> Plugins WEB page (since TeamCity 7.0 it's Administration -> Plugins list page). If the plugin is loaded it should be present in the plugins list.
Could you please attach your and <TeamCity installation dir>/logs/teamcity-server.log.
I think these are the files you wanted to look at.
And looking at the plugin list it appears in the list.
Thanks again.
Hello, Alex,
There are several issues in current plugin version. Seems that I didn't tell you everything accurately:
server *
buildServerResources *
myTab *
and build-server-plugin-myTab.xml should be:
I've managed to load your plugin with such a configuration on my local server, but the page still can't be displayed, because of non-correct path to jsp file.
For correct jsp path please see
Please also note that yesterday we've released TeamCity 7.0. and fix will be present in one of nearest updates
Ah thank you that worked great!
I'm working on creating my JSP file now it works fine until I add the line
Where pattern.txt is a file that is in the buildServerResources folder.
Restarting the server I the "myTab" tab is there and when clicking it I see "Unexpected Error"
Clicking on the show trace the main message is that
"javax.servlet.ServletException: File "/plugins/myTab/hello.jsp" not found"
Now I would understand if it said "pattern.txt not found", but hello.jsp is there and when I remove the FileReader line there is no problems.
Note: pattern.txt should also be found since it is in the same folder.
Searching on previous posts for "FileReader" I didn't get anything helpful so I imagine I'm doing something wrong.
Would you know what I'm doing wrong?
Thanks again.
Hello, Alex,
I'm not sure, but the error may be caused by To learn more look through teamcity-server.log.
Try calculating the path to pattern.txt file in the myTab class fillModel method and putting it to model.
To get the correct path to pattern.txt use jetbrains.buildServer.web.openapi.PluginDescriptor#getPluginResourcesPath. Pass file path relative to buildServerResources folder to this method.
You can recieve this object in myTab class constuctor (have a look at for an example).
To get the string from model in the jsp file use:
<jsp:useBean id="patternFilePath" scope="request" type="java.lang.String"/>
Let me know if it doesn't help.
And please also check that there is <%@ page import="*" %> directive in the beginning of your jsp file
I believe this fixed the problem
FileReader patternFile = new FileReader("C:/TeamCity/webapps/ROOT" + myPath);
Thank you.