Problem with mercurial plugin

I install the mercurial plugin, but when i select it to create a new VCS Root and i select the mercurial, Team City Show me this message:
I translate

Estado HTTP 404 - /admin/editVcsRoot.jsp

type Informe de estado
mensaje /admin/editVcsRoot.jsp
descripci�n El recurso requerido (/admin/editVcsRoot.jsp) no est� disponible.

I translate:

State HTTP 404 - /admin/editVcsRoot.jsp

type state report
message /admin/editVcsRoot.jsp
description Action required (/admin/editVcsRoot.jsp) is not aviable

Thanks for your answers.

Please try to locate exception in the server logs and submit it here. Also please tell me your server version.

Permanently deleted user


sorry, this was my first plugin that i install and i didn't know where i have to copy the .zip. and then I was copy the file .zip in some different place and I had created a Mercurial folder in plugins floder in webapp/...etc. (i don't remember the path, the problem i was in my job and now i am in my home XD).

Resuming, i fix the problem deleting the files .zip in folder Mercurial and renaming this folder to mercurial.

sorry for lose your time, and sorry for my english.

Thank you.


Glad to hear the problem is solved.


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