Why does our Perforce plugin keep building a clean patch?
From time to time our Perforce plugin decides that it needs to build a clean patch for some reason.
This is very easy to spot because a build takes more than half an hour instead of the usual 30s. The log lists "reasons for a clean checkout" in both a slow and a fast build because we have "always do a clean checkout" enabled. However some builds then proceed with this:
[02:55:47]: [Updating sources] Transferring cached clean patch for VCS root: PerforceRoot
[02:55:47]: [Updating sources] Building incremental patch over the cached patch
[02:55:53]: [Updating sources] Repository sources transferred: 2.66Mb total
while others do this:
Observe that the former takes less than 1 second while the latter goes on for 25 minutes!
Any ideas?
[02:55:47]: [Updating sources] Building incremental patch over the cached patch
[02:55:53]: [Updating sources] Repository sources transferred: 2.66Mb total
while others do this:
[00:04:21]: [Updating sources] Building clean patch for VCS root: PerforceRoot
[00:27:13]: [Updating sources] Transferring cached clean patch for VCS root: PerforceRoot
[00:27:13]: [Updating sources] Repository sources transferred: 2.60Mb total
[00:27:13]: [Updating sources] Transferring cached clean patch for VCS root: PerforceRoot
[00:27:13]: [Updating sources] Repository sources transferred: 2.60Mb total
Observe that the former takes less than 1 second while the latter goes on for 25 minutes!
Any ideas?
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Just found this unanswered question.
There are some cases when TeamCity performs clean checkout, see docs at http://confluence.jetbrains.net/display/TCD5/Clean+Checkout
There are also some details on how Perforce support works in Teamcity: http://www.jetbrains.net/devnet/message/5233962#5233962