Ability for a Build Runner to change Build Version
I would like to create a build runner that calculates a build version (build number) and then makes it available to other build runners downstream.
Is this possible?
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Hi Scott
First build configuration can set its number by a service message.
Next build configurations can refer it using Dependencies Properties.
Hi Michael,
Thanks for the response!
Although I think you may not have understood my question.
I have 1 build configuration. It has 2 build steps. Each step uses a custom build runner. The first runner will determine the version and it has to be able to share it with the 2nd build step. I'd also like to be able to programmatically share the build version without having to resort to using the service message method.
Even with a single configuration and multiple build steps, service messages is a preffered way for this task.
In addition to build number you can update other build parameters too.
Have you met any issues using it?
Wow...did not see that functionality! That should fit the bill!
I will try it!