Getting dynamically updated build parameter within the build run
Hi all,
I'm setting a parameter (let's say my_param) to a running build via TC service message (##teamcity[setParameter name='my_param'...) and I want to get the new value of the parameter later but still within the run of the build via REST API (.../httpAuth/app/rest/builds/id:123/resulting-properties/my_param) but it still returns the old value. It returns the new value when the build is finished but it is too late.
Can someone please know how to do that? I'm using TC 10.x version.
Thanks in advance for your help,
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Hello Jan,
The changed build parameters is available in the build steps following the modifying one. resulting-properties are available only when the build finished. Why do you need to get parameters using REST API?
Hi Alina,
I'm modifying the parameter for an external service that needs to read it to make appropriate decisions based on the value. The service must read it within the build run.
Hi Jan,
You can get the value of the modified parameter in the next build step using %my_param% syntax.
This won't help in my case either because the step (that modifies the parameter) calls the service which in turn reads the value and then continue with other stuff.
Sorry, I do not fully understand your use case. Perhaps you can change build configuration parameter using REST API request and then change it back if needed.
This would be possible but we run several (50+) builds in parallel and if I set it on the Build Configuration level, the change will be visible to all of the concurrently running builds which is unfortunate. But if there's no better way how to change a build parameter on the fly and be able to read it in the same step via REST API, then I will have to live with that. But I don't think I want that much or do I? :)
Hello Jan,
At the moment it's not supported. Please feel free to create a feature request in our issue tracker and describe your use case. Thank you!
Hi Alina,
thanks for all your help! Issue has just been created:
Possible workaround is to publish artifact using another service message:
Then make your service wait till artifact is published for the build (agent does it in parallel, while the build is still running).
Thanks, Pavel! I'll give it a try.