Linux and Apple Build Agents only fetch folders and not files from Azure DevOps VCS Root

We just moved our source control from on-site DevOps/TFS server to online Azure DevOps Services.

After updating the VCS root settings, the Windows based build agents are working fine.

But my Linux and Apple build agents fail to pull any files. The folder structures are all created empty.

I need help ASAP.

TeamCity version: 2022.04.7 (build 109063)


In addition, the Apple builds (which must be set to checkout on server) fail with this error:

Patch is broken, can be found in file: /Users/svc_teamcitybuild/TC/A1/temp/buildTmp/temp6604795495323235650patch_538663

jetbrains.buildServer.agent.impl.patch.PatchDownloaderImpl$1: Server was not able to build correct patch, most likely due to VCS errors   at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.impl.patch.PatchDownloaderImpl.throwError(   at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.impl.patch.PatchDownloaderImpl.checkPatch(   at jetbrains.buildServer.agent.impl.patch.PatchDownloaderImpl.copyPatchAndCheckFile(

Hi, we would need to see the full server logs (the teamcity-server.log in particular) for that covering that time frame, can I ask you to forward them to us via the uploads service?

We worked around this by created Personal Access Token (PAT) for the service account that had FULL ACCESS scope.


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