Expected memory and cpu usage

Hi there
We recently received a message that the server was low on RAM, which is why we set our setup not only to 1024 but also to -Xmx2048m on the server. I was now wondering whether this usage of CPU and memory is "normal" for our system, or whether we need to optimize it further?

What is causing those CPU usage peaks and is this to be expected?

13 Build Agents
Build Configs: 195
Number of active projects: 92

Thanks for some insights

1 comment

The CPU spikes on your TeamCity server appear to be from something other than the TeamCity process itself. These spikes are probably causing the heap space to creep up to about 80%, as they appear to correlate. However, 80% memory utilization should not cause any issues. If you see the memory frequently reaching into the upper 90%, it might be time to increase the heap space.

As to what could be causing the CPU spikes, it is impossible to say from this chart alone. Do you have any other services running on this server? Some of the usual suspects are antivirus/security software, build agents located on the same server, database on the same server, etc…

Since TeamCity is an automation tool that integrates with so many different systems and platforms, it is hard to say what is “normal”. We do mention some Server Load Factors and have some example configurations to use as a reference in our documentation here: Example Server Configurations. Otherwise, it would be generally suggested to monitor and tune your resources as needed.


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