Project icons?
Can someone please tell me what these icons mean? I've looked everywhere and can find nothing. The project called ETL_Scripts has been red since we created it, even though, right now, all builds are successful.

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Once again, I can't get images that I post to the forum to save.
Took 2 tries, but then the image saved.
We have a similar known issue when the project icon doesn't change to green even though the last build was successful. Are you, by any chance, using the parallel tests feature in the build configuration for this project?
Best regards,
Can you check for any failed builds in the build history for the two build configurations in the ETL_Scripts project? Please share the screenshot if there are any. You can upload the screenshots to and share the upload ID. In the meantime, I'm discussing the possible causes of such behavior with the development team.
Best regards,
It also seems like you are showing the projects and build configurations from the favorites page, and not all build configurations may be added to favorites. Please select PROJECTS > ETL_Scripts project from the left pane, make sure that all the build configurations are visible, and share the screenshot.
Best regards,
Thanks for the help.
When say “any failed builds in the build history for the two build configurations in the ETL_Scripts project", do you mean, like ever? Yes, of course, the build fails, but neither configuration is failing currently. That's basically my question: What is the criteria for it going green? Attaching screenshot of the 2 builds in that project as requested.
I'm sorry, the screenshots seem to be not attached.
Regarding the project colors - it becomes red once any of the build configurations fails on the default branch of the VCS root. If the build of the same configuration on the default branch is successful, it should become green again. And grey if the build's status on the default branch is unknown.
So, this project has only 2 build configurations? Please reshare the screenshot. You can upload it to and share the upload ID; it may be easier.
Best regards,
This is the only forum where I have trouble sharing images. The images show up when I post, and then “disappear” afterwards.
Anyways, this project has only two build configurations. The icon for this project has never been anything but red, not once since it was configured original months ago.
I still don't understand this concept:
“it becomes red once any of the build configurations fails on the default branch of the VCS root.”
What if the default branch is not allowed for that build configuration?
Current Week - All is now failing, but not in the default branch for that VCS root:
FYI, the ECR project configuration is almost identical to the ETL_Scripts project, and yet, it has not had any trouble turning green.
Can you switch from the to the for the ETL_Scripts project and share the screenshot?
Best regards,
“switch from the to the for the ETL_Scripts ”
I think you left out a word. Not sure what you mean.
Sorry for this. From the "Active branches" to the "Default branch". The forum decided not to show the words for some reason.
Best regards,
I was trying to get other scenarios that could reproduce the issue, but unsuccessfully so. I see that you also created an issue in our YouTrack (, so I suggest continuing communication there with the development team.
Best regards,