Error when trying to connect to mysql for restore migration
I am trying to change my db to Mysql from the internal db.
I have created the db(Teamcity) as described in the server Devtools
My connection string is as follows:
Database: MySQL
and I get the following error:
Using explicitly specified target database configured by file at D:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\config\
Unknown database property: server.. Known properties :
[connectionProperties, connectionString, validationQuery, jdbcConnectionString, rollbackOnReturn, initialConnections, indexTablespace, poolPreparedStatements, login, databaseType, testOnBorrow, testWhileIdle, timeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis, autoCommitOnReturn, testOnReturn, defaultAutoCommit, driverName, class, maxIdleConnections, maxConnections]
Failed: Prefix not found in the connection string: jdbc:mysql:/devtools:3306/teamcity
Critical error has occurred during command execution.
Any and all help is appreciated
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>Prefix not found in the connection string: jdbc:mysql:/devtools:3306/teamcity
It seems there's an issue with the connection string: jdbc:mysql:/devtools:3306/teamcity. It looks like a forward slash is missing. Please try using the following format instead:
Thank you for the reply. The “/” was only have the problem. Evidently, the serverinstance name needed to be “localhost”.
So if Anyone is having the same issues as me, here is a connection string that worked.
Glad to know it works for you.
> Evidently, the serverinstance name needed to be “localhost"
The name of the server instance should be the name of the MySQL server instance. In your case, your MySQL is installed on the same machine as the TeamCity server, so can use localhost as MySQL server instance.