Cannot run tests on TeamCity Cloud - dotCover not found

After what I suspect was a recent update to TeamCity Cloud (current build is 141339), project builds that use dotCover build steps have started failing with the following errors:

Parameter "teamcity.tool.JetBrains.dotCover.CommandLineTools.DEFAULT=%teamcity.tool.JetBrains.dotCover.DotNetCliTool.bundled%" is not fully resolved, using as is.

dotCover was not found: %teamcity.tool.JetBrains.dotCover.CommandLineTools.DEFAULT%\dotCover.exe
13:10:59   Step Run Tests (.NET) failed with unexpected error

This seems to be the same problem as this issue:

In the current version, I see the following config: 

.NET Coverage
 Code Coverage: JetBrains dotCover
dotCover CLT home directory: <Bundled (2022.2.4 Cross-Platform)>

To note, I need to run build on Windows, cannot take advantage of the cross-platform builds

1 comment

I am also on build  141339 and I have the same issue. We run our own build agents on Windows machines. It worked before, but it stopped to work on 26 Sep and I just found out about the issue today. Sadly, I have no solution as of yet.


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