failing to find dependency with java connect error


mysql 8.0

this error wasn't happening yesterday when I was testing builds. It just started today in a TeamCity version from 2022 probably May. In any case I thought an upgrade might clear the problem but it didn't.

Here's the error in full.

Failed to download artifact dependency <Crossfire / release / Build x64 ReelView Installer, build #17604 [id 44028]>: Recoverable failure while getting source paths list: Failed to download [http://BuildServer01:8111/httpAuth/repository/download/Crossfire_Release_BuildX64ReelViewInstaller/44028.tcbuildid/teamcity-ivy.xml]: Connection refused: connect (jetbrains.buildServer.artifacts.impl.RecoverableResolvingException)
[15:00:44]: Failed to resolve 1 dependencies

it says connection refused. so it's not complaining about a missing file. I have other builds in other configurations have dependencies that were working yesterday.

The service is running under a local admin account. Anybody have any ideas.

1 comment

I figured it out. the line before the error message above read URL for buildserver: buildserver01:8111

I had previously changed this to 80 but for some reason it got reset to 8111.


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