Run Aggregrator Project Individually
Dear all, I have a prent project and several sub modules. I need to run the sub modules one by one and then last one is report generator module. How to do this?
Please help. Thanks.
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Please help.
Can you please elaborate a bit on the modules that you have? What are those modules, what do their builds do and what exactly the report generator should get from each of these in order to be run? In a general case, it sounds like you may want the report generator build to have a snapshot and/or artifact dependency on each of the module builds, in order to retrieve their build artifacts.
The Main project is aggregrator project and the sub modules are automation testing project and the last one is report generator. There is no artifact dependency but it's has output report file dependency. The report module will grab the HTML report file from relative directory from prior running sub modules. Once it grabt hte html report file, It create a zip that contains several report and send out in one shot.
Please help me.
Please let me know if this helps.
Fedor, Thanks a lot of your reply. I wonder how to run each modules from my repo??
Apologies, not sure that I follow your question. Do you mean you want to start them when a new change in the repository is registered? If yes, you may use the VCS trigger for that task - whenever a new change is detected by TeamCity, it would start the corresponding build.
Fedor, What i mean is how to run build for sub modules instead of parent project?
You could specify a trigger on each submodule build, instead of (or in addition to) main build. Would that work for you?
If you have a monorepo, perhaps checkout rules would also be of use to you - they allow to define what paths in VCS should be monitored by build/trigger.