Delete investigation



How can I delete (or fix) investigation in the deleted build?

I have deleted build configuration, where there was an assigned investigation. Unfortunatelty, the investigation wasn't deleted together with build.

I can see this investigation on /guestAuth/app/rest/investigations?locator=state:TAKEN page, but it doesn't appear neither on /investigations.html?init=1 nor on /project.html?projectId=_root&tab=investigations pages.



There is know bug Do I correctly understand that you do not see this investigation in TeamCity UI? Have you tried to run the cleanup?


> Do I correctly understand that you do not see this investigation in TeamCity UI?

Yes, I don't see it in TeamCity UI (I only see number "1" in the right up conrner, that shows that I have 1 investigation).

> Have you tried to run the cleanup?

Yes, I tried to run the cleanup.

I also tried to delete build configuration and then to run the clean up, but this didn't help.

On /guestAuth/app/rest/investigations?locator=state:TAKEN I see the following investigation:

<investigation id="problem:(id:28),assignmentProject:(id:***Development)" state="TAKEN" href="/app/rest/investigations/problem:(id:28),assignmentProject:(id:***Development)">
<assignee username="***" name="***" id="71" href="/guestAuth/app/rest/users/id:71"/>
This investigation was assigned automatically by TeamCity since you were the only committer to the following build: *** Development Trunk :: ***: приемочные тесты #3582
<project id="***Development" name="*** Development Trunk" parentProjectId="_Root" description="*** версия в разработке" href="/guestAuth/app/rest/projects/id:***Development" webUrl="http://***/project.html?projectId=***Development"/>
<problems count="1">
<problem id="28" type="TC_FAILED_TESTS" identity="TC_FAILED_TESTS" href="/guestAuth/app/rest/problems/id:28"/>
<resolution type="whenFixed"/>

Can you click on number "1" in the right up corner near your name? Does the Investigations page open? Can you click on "Investigate/Mute..." and select "No investigation" option?


> Can you click on number "1" in the right up corner near your name?

Yes, I can.

> Does the Investigations page open?

Yes, it opens.

> Can you click on "Investigate/Mute..." and select "No investigation" option?

No, I can't, because on that page I've got no investigations.


Sorry for delay. Could you please try to reset "Test runs (investigations and mutes)" cache on Administration > Diagnostics > Caches page. Does it help?



  I'll try to help with the case. In REST output, a project is mentioned. Could you please open Investigations tab for this project and see if this investigation is present there. You can filter the page by assignee on this page.

  This investigation should be present in the section 'Build problem investigations'. Is it there?




The invetigation isn't present on the Investigations tab:



   Sorry for the delayed answer. I suppose a SQL query like 

   delete from responsibilities where problem_id like 'bp28:%'

   should solve the problem in your case. 

   But it is still not clear why the cleanup and cache reset did not help in your case.

   The only other reason I see is that you may not have access to the project you have assigned investigation in, but this is probably not the case.




"delete from responsibilities where problem_id like 'bp28:%'" helped me.



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