Add tab to "Build Configuration Settings"
Hi all,
how can i add a tab to "Build Configuration Settings". I already tried several PlaceId with an extended SimpleCustomTab, but can't get it work.
Kind regards
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Unfortunately there's no ability to add another tab to "Edit Build Configuration" pages (/admin/editBuild.html?id=xxx), as all tabs are hard coded.
Though you can use `jetbrains.buildServer.web.openapi.PlaceId#ADMIN_EDIT_BUILD_STEPS_ACTIONS_PAGE` to add action to such pages, and show dialog when user invokes that action.
Please describe why do you need to create another tab on "Edit Build Configuration" page. Maybe we would find another approach to fulfill your request.
Vladislav Rassokhin
i'm creating a plugin for our company similar to autoincrement but with the option for each build configuration to disable the incrementation for this build configuration.
Sorry, I've completely missed your response.
You could implement that autoincrementer as 'Build Feature' and add that feature to needed configurations.
Another option is to configure boolean parameter in upmost project with name like 'Disable autoincrement' with value 'false'. And then override it if necessary in some configurations.