Agent Thread Dump

It is recommended that you take an agent thread dump from the Web UI: go to the Agent page, Agent Summary tab, and use the Dump threads on agent action.

If the UI is not accessible, you can take the dump thread manually:

Under Windows

You have several options:

  • Use the TeamCity-bundled thread dump tool (can be found in the agent's plugins). Run the command:
<TeamCity agent>\plugins\stacktracesPlugin\bin\x86\JetBrains.TeamCity.Injector.exe <pid_of_java_process>

Note that if the hanging process is run as a service, the server or the agent process must be run from a console with elevated permissions (using Run as Administrator). If the service is run under System account, you might also need to launch the thread dumping tools via "PsExec.exe -s <path to the tool>\<tool> <options>"

Under Linux

  • run jstack <pid_of_java_process> (using jstack from the same JVM as used by the application) or kill -3 <pid_of_java_process>. In the latter case output will appear in <TeamCity server home>/logs/catalina.out or <TeamCity agent home>/logs/error.log

Note that the TeamCity agent consists of two java processes: the launcher and agent itself. The agent is triggered by the launcher. You will usually be interested in the agent (nested) process and not the launcher one.

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