Dirk Dittert
- Total activity 13
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Created Gradle builds and build parameters
What is the most elegant way to deal with agent parameters that are passed as system properties to Gradle builds? It is possible to access the value of a system property xyz through teamcity["xyz"]... -
Created Build status for build configurations with additional branches
I'm wondering about how TeamCity should handle Build Configurations based on Git if additional branches are involved. Suppose, we have the following situation in the git repository: #20--F ... -
Created Which CI system do you use?
There's a poll going on here…http://www.dzone.com/links/r/hudson_jenkins_or_something_else_vote_in_the_cont.html -
Created How can I add jars to ant's classpath?
Hi,how can I add additional jars to the classpath that is used by the internal Team City ant? Ant tasks like <script language="javascript"> require additional bsf, log4j and rhino jar files to be p... -
Created How to handle Paths from remote errors?
Hi,what is the preferred way to handle Ant builds with Team City? Suppose that there is an error in a Java file which needs to be fixed from Eclipse. The console error log in Eclipse shows:compile....