Corrupted TeamCity installation is detected
Trying to automatically upgrade from TeamCity Enterprise 2022.04.1 (build 108575) to latest
resulted inn Halt see bellow . restore is not working
Corrupted TeamCity installation is detected. Reinstall TeamCity server ensuring no files from previous installation are present under "D:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT" directory.
Installed TeamCity Software
Version: 2022.04.3 (build 108706)
Required data format version: 980
Data directory
Data Directory path is not specified/detected yet
Data format version: unknown
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Case is solved.
Antivirus was "holding" a file and then the update process could not reinstall.
stopped av
stopped tc service
renamed TeamCity folder (make sure datafolder is backed up and in a separate place.
ran the installer .exe
edited the server.xml
started the service
started the antivirus
all good