Default agent not showing up


I'm just kicking the tires.  I did a quick install, internal DB, Linux, my user id.  And it all looked good.  I could see the default agent and I put one of my jobs in and made it work on the default agent.  Yeah! 

Now I wanted to create something production worthy.  Linux, dedicated user id, external commercial DB, https, LDAP connected and that all looks good.  I put the same job in to the new installs and when I go to hit run, it says no agents are available.    I am using my LDAP id now, set up as an administrator and using the experimental UI.  Previous attempt I used the "admin" id instead.  What am I missing?

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I found the file under the buildAgent directory.  I put in the URL with 8443 (and https).  After I changed it to http and 8080, the default in the server.xml, the agent appeared.  


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