updated server SSL certifiticate and build agent cert


Hello, we have teamcity running ver Version 2020.1 (build 78475). We have updated our SSL cert proxy server which redirect to teamcity server. The ssl is valid and working. Is any of the teamcity agent will need to be updated? is there a way to push the new certificate to all build agent? if we don't update the ssl cert on the agent, will it stop working? it seem the agent to be working at the moment, not sure if it will stop.

Please assist. thank you


Hello Herry,

Copying my response from relevant Zendesk thread here:

Normally, agent should have no issues with server-side certificate if it was issued by a known certificate authority; you may need to upload the certificate if CA root cert is not included into Java default certificate store, or if a certificate is self-signed. Given that agent was able to connect to the server, I do not anticipate any issues with the connectivity going forward.

Speaking of the certificate upload to agents, yes, such option exists - please use Administration | SSL/HTTPS Certificates tab to upload a certificate; it will be automatically delivered to all agents. See this article for the details: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/teamcity/uploading-ssl-certificates.html


Thank you for the information. 


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