TeamCity on AWS and P4


Is anyone able to help with this guys? I am pretty stuck.

I have  TeamCity server running on AWS, everything looks good. I have installed p4 on said server and verified that it runs and connects to the perforce server. 

However, when I run the TeamCity "Test Connection" on the VCS Root, I get a:

Failed for the root '"Perforce_1" {instance id=1, parent internal id=1, parent id=Perforce1, description: "perforce: perforce stream: '//depot/Demo'"}: Cannot find server timezone info in p4 info output, p4 info call failed

Those same settings... the url and the stream work fine running from the server instance directly (as in  from SSH ) using settings and running p4 info. I do notice that it does not show a user on that above message. Not sure if that is an issue. 

The user has been defined in the VCS Root page of TeamCity

Please help. What can I look at? I am pretty stuck and nothing online that I can find.



Official comment

Guys, sorry for the problem. I've created an issue in our tracker - and attached a plugin with extra debug information which could probably help to diagnose the issue.

Please, consider installing the plugin and share in the issue the new error message and teamcity-vcs.log file.

Thank you!

Hmm. If your server is running inside a docker container (did not realize that), the p4 is not available to the server. To make it available, p4 should be installed inside the corresponding docker image. Probably the related issue is, but we don't have close plans to fix it.


We get the exact same error message when running as a Windows user and trying to connect to Perforce.


We're currently evaluating TeamCity by attempting to run a server and an agent on Windows 10. If we try to create a project using a Perforce URL then we get the error message "Cannot find server timezone info in p4 info output, p4 info call failed". If we try and manually create a Perforce project and then click on "Test Connection" we get the same error message.


Does anyone know how to fix please?


Hi both,


We have not seen this issue before, so we'll have to investigate it a bit deeper before being able to provide definitive answers. Could you please share with us:

-Perforce server version

-TeamCity version

-full stacktrace from teamcity's side (should be available in the teamcity-vcs.log from the server after the test connection happens. The teamcity-server.log could also contain some relevant information about the request)


Hi, could you please run `p4 info` command and attach it here? 

TeamCity is looking for the line "Server date:" in the output, probably p4 output does not match.


Permanently deleted user

Here is it...Kiiril I x'd out some info to be safe

User name: myuser
Client name: ip-10-xx-1-xxx
Client host: ip-10-xx-1-xx
Client unknown.
Current directory: /home/ec2-user
Peer address:
Client address:
Server address: ec2-xx:10xxxxx
Server root: /mnt/ec2-fsxxx-data1/perforce/xxxxxxx/db
Server date: 2020/03/02 16:52:18 +0000 UTC
Server uptime: 00:00:00
Server version: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2019.2/1918134 (2020/02/12)
Server license: Assembla, Inc. 100 users (support ends 2020/06/02) (expires 2020/06/02)
Server license-ip: xxx.x.x.1
Case Handling: sensitive


Permanently deleted user

Denis, I have another post on the forums regarding the logs. I cannot find those logs for the life of me.

Any help on that sure would be nice as well.


And this post has the stack trace I found:


Thanks for the log. As a dumb idea - could you please restart the TeamCity server? I suppose there could be a cache which keeps invalid output of the `p4 info` command.

Permanently deleted user

Ahgh. I wish! I have not only restarted it, but even reinstalled the entire stack :) ... 

But I will again. Cause never say never right?


For us we are using the perforce server version: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2019.1/1876401 (2019/10/30)


TeamCity version was downloaded today and was: TeamCity-2019.2.2


I haven't got the teamcity-server.log anymore so if that will still help then let me know and I'll generate another one.


Here's what p4 info outputs for me (added x to be safe too):

Peer address: xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx
Client address: xx.xx.xx.xx
Server address: xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx
Server root: /p4/1/root
Server date: 2020/03/02 17:15:36 +0000 UTC
Server uptime: 2115:59:05
Server version: P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2019.1/1876401 (2019/10/30)
Server encryption: encrypted
Server cert expires: Nov 30 19:01:01 2029 GMT
ServerID: lom_master
Server services: commit-server
Server license: Lords Of Midnight, LLC 22 users (support ends 2020/11/22) (expires 2020/04/04)
Server license-ip: xx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx
Case Handling: sensitive



I just reinstalled and tried again, here's my teamcity-server.log


[2020-03-02 17:28:14,988] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Path to the startup configuration file: c:\TeamCity\bin\..\conf\
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,019] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Using logs directory "C:\TeamCity\logs"
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,033] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP -



[2020-03-02 17:28:15,033] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - ===========================================================
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,033] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Starting TeamCity server
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,202] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - TeamCity version: 2019.2.2 (build 71923), data format version 915
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,205] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - OS: Windows 10, version 10.0, amd64, Current user: Phil, Time zone: GMT (UTC)
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,205] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Java: 1.8.0_232, OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.232-b09, mixed mode), OpenJDK Runtime Environment (1.8.0_232-b09), Inc.; JVM parameters: -Djava.util.logging.config.file=c:\TeamCity\bin\..\conf\ -Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager -Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Djava.protocol.handler.pkgs=org.apache.catalina.webresources -Xrs -Xmx1024m -Dteamcity.configuration.path=../conf/ -Dlog4j.configuration=file:../conf/teamcity-server-log4j.xml -Dteamcity_logs=c:\TeamCity\bin\..\logs -Dignore.endorsed.dirs= -Dcatalina.base=c:\TeamCity\bin\.. -Dcatalina.home=c:\TeamCity\bin\..\TeamCity\bin\..\temp
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,206] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Garbage collection: PS Scavenge, PS MarkSweep
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,206] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Web server version: Apache Tomcat/8.5.47
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,208] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Server IP address:
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,209] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Web server ports: 80 (protocol: HTTP/1.1, scheme: http), 8105 (shutdown port)
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,209] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Context path: "/", servlet real path: "C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT"
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,215] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - TeamCity distribution type: exe
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,216] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - TeamCity server node id: MAIN_SERVER
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,228] INFO - rocesses.ProcessTreeTerminator - Using jetbrains.buildServer.processes.ProcessTreeTerminatorWindows
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,232] INFO - .ProcessTreeTerminatorImplBase - Will use command 'C:\TeamCity\temp\TeamCity3592185404387387944ps\ ps'.
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,393] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - TeamCity server process ID (16268) stored in: C:\TeamCity\logs\
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,397] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Version file lock was successfully obtained: C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\BUILD_71923
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,408] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Current stage: Looking for the TeamCity Data Directory
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,408] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - The TeamCity Data Directory path is determined using the user home directory
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,412] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - The TeamCity Data Directory "C:\Users\Phil\.BuildServer" doesn't exist
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,413] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Asking user to select the TeamCity Data Directory path from UI
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,422] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Startup confirmation is required. Open TeamCity web page in the browser. Server is running at http://localhost
[2020-03-02 17:28:15,422] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Current stage: Confirming TeamCity first start (administrator login is required to proceed)
[2020-03-02 17:28:30,906] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Current stage: Initializing the TeamCity Data Directory
[2020-03-02 17:28:30,906] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - The TeamCity Data Directory path configured by the user from the UI: 'C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity'
[2020-03-02 17:28:30,916] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - The main configuration file "C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\config\main-config.xml" exists
[2020-03-02 17:28:30,916] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - The database properties file "C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\config\" exists
[2020-03-02 17:28:30,916] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - The internal database data file "C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\" exists
[2020-03-02 17:28:30,924] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Data Directory version: 915
[2020-03-02 17:28:30,926] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Startup configuration file is created: c:\TeamCity\bin\..\conf\
[2020-03-02 17:28:30,926] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - The TeamCity Data Directory path 'C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity' is stored in 'C:\TeamCity\conf\'
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,052] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Downloading JDBC driver metadata from <>...
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,561] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Current stage: Looking for the database configuration
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,562] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Database properties file "C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\config\" exists
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,562] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Internal HSQL database file (C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\ exists, version: 2.3.2
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,562] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Database connection URL: jdbc:hsqldb:file:$TEAMCITY_SYSTEM_PATH/buildserver
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,562] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Using database connection URL from the database properties file. The URL is: jdbc:hsqldb:file:$TEAMCITY_SYSTEM_PATH/buildserver
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,563] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Using internal (HSQL) database
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,563] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Current stage: Connecting to the database
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,590] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Effective database connection properties:
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,590] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - cache_file_scale=8 [defaults]
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,590] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - hsqldb.default_table_type=cached [defaults]
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,591] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - log_size=1024 [defaults]
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,977] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - JDBC driver version: 2.3 (HSQL Database Engine Driver)
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,977] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Database system version: 2.3.2 (HSQL Database Engine)
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,977] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Connected to the database successfully
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,977] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Current stage: Checking the database
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,993] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Using schema: PUBLIC
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,996] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Schema contains 154 tables.
[2020-03-02 17:28:31,998] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Database version is 915
[2020-03-02 17:28:32,006] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Current stage: Initializing TeamCity server components
[2020-03-02 17:28:32,204] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Starting the main application
[2020-03-02 17:28:32,263] INFO - ebDispatcherApplicationContext - Refreshing TeamCity Root WebApplicationContext: startup date [Mon Mar 02 17:28:32 GMT 2020]; root of context hierarchy
[2020-03-02 17:28:32,318] INFO - MainTeamCityApplicationContext - Refreshing WebApplicationContext for namespace 'buildServer-servlet': startup date [Mon Mar 02 17:28:32 GMT 2020]; parent: TeamCity Root WebApplicationContext
[2020-03-02 17:28:36,064] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Loading test names index from database...
[2020-03-02 17:28:36,072] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Finished loading test names index in 6ms. Tests in the index: 0
[2020-03-02 17:28:36,098] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Build history cache size is set to 10000 entries
[2020-03-02 17:28:36,422] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start initializing build durations cache...
[2020-03-02 17:28:36,424] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Finished initializing build durations cache, time spent: 1ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:36,900] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Loading history of VCS changes...
[2020-03-02 17:28:36,911] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Done loading history of VCS changes: 0 changes loaded in 9ms (id range: 0-1 since 2017-03-03 17:28:36.900 in 3 threads)
[2020-03-02 17:28:39,293] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Applying memory thresholds for Memory Usage Monitor: storing 100 last measurements; time between measurements: 3000ms. Thresholds: {TC_TOTAL_MEMORY_USAGE_KEY=90.0, PS Old Gen=90.0}
[2020-03-02 17:28:42,168] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - There are 0 builds in the build history
[2020-03-02 17:28:42,753] INFO - til.ChildSpringContextLoader$1 - Refreshing SubContext (BuildAgentUpgrade): startup date [Mon Mar 02 17:28:42 GMT 2020]; parent: WebApplicationContext for namespace 'buildServer-servlet'
[2020-03-02 17:28:42,799] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - TeamCity Spring context contains 1563 beans
[2020-03-02 17:28:43,217] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - TeamCity Spring context created in 10s,906ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:43,223] INFO - ojects.ProjectConfigFilesCache - Looking for all project configuration files in: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\config\projects
[2020-03-02 17:28:43,226] INFO - ojects.ProjectConfigFilesCache - Found 1 project configuration files
[2020-03-02 17:28:43,226] INFO - ojects.ProjectConfigFilesCache - Checking that project configuration files caches are up-to-date...
[2020-03-02 17:28:43,232] INFO - ojects.ProjectConfigFilesCache - Found 0 projects with out of date configuration files caches
[2020-03-02 17:28:43,296] INFO - ins.files.ServerPluginUnpacker - Unpacking zipped plugins from 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins' to 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked'
[2020-03-02 17:28:43,308] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start pre-compiling JSP files...
[2020-03-02 17:28:45,456] INFO - ins.files.ServerPluginUnpacker - Unpacking zipped plugins from 'C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\plugins' to 'C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\caches\plugins.unpacked'
[2020-03-02 17:28:45,456] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - ===========================================================
[2020-03-02 17:28:45,456] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Plugins initialization started...
[2020-03-02 17:28:45,456] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Scanning plugins folders
[2020-03-02 17:28:45,457] INFO - .plugins.files.JarSearcherBase - Scanning plugin folder: C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins
[2020-03-02 17:28:45,651] INFO - .plugins.files.JarSearcherBase - Scanning plugin folder: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\plugins
[2020-03-02 17:28:45,651] INFO - ins.files.ServerPluginUnpacker - Unpacking zipped plugins from 'C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\plugins' to 'C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\system\caches\plugins.unpacked'
[2020-03-02 17:28:45,689] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Found 96 bundled plugins: [agent-system-info (ver:71923), agent.push (ver:71923), Ant (ver:71923), ant-net-tasks (ver:71923), Apache Ant (ver:71923), artifactsSizeStatistics (ver:71923), bugzilla (ver:71923), buildDurationStatisticsPlugin (ver:71923), cloud-amazon (ver:71923), commandLineRunner (ver:71923), commit-status-publisher (ver:71923), configs-dsl (ver:71923), coverage (ver:71923), cvs (ver:71923), data-dir-browse (ver:71923), deploy-runner (ver:71923), docker-support (ver:71923), dotnet-tools (ver:71923), dotnet.cli (ver:71923), dotNetRunners (ver:71923), Duplicator (ver:71923), eclipse-plugin-distributor (ver:71923), email (ver:71923), environment-fetcher (ver:71923), feed (ver:71923), file-content-replacer (ver:71923), flaky-test-detector (ver:71923), FxCop (ver:71923), gant-tool (ver:71923), GAntRunner (ver:71923), golang (ver:71923), gradle-runner (ver:71923), idea-tool (ver:71923), Inspection (ver:71923), intellij-plugin-distributor (ver:71923), investigations-auto-assigner (ver:71923), Ipr (ver:71923), jabber (ver:71923), Java Crashed detector (ver:71923), java-dowser (ver:71923), jetbrains.git (ver:71923), jira (ver:71923), jps-tool (ver:71923), jvm-update (ver:71923), ldap (ver:71923), Maven2 (ver:71923), mercurial (ver:71923), metarunner (ver:71923), nt-domain-login (ver:71923), nuget (ver:71923), overview-plugin (ver:71923), perfmon (ver:71923), perforce (ver:71923), powershell-runner (ver:71923), priority-queue (ver:71923), pull-requests (ver:71923), queue-pauser (ver:71923), rake-runner (ver:71923), remoteAccess (ver:71923), reset-password (ver:71923), rest-api (ver:71923), rest-api-2017.1 (ver:71923), rest-api-2017.2 (ver:71923), rest-api-6.0 (ver:71923), rest-api-7.0 (ver:71923), rest-api-8.1 (ver:71923), rest-api-9.0 (ver:71923), rest-api-9.1 (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib-2017.1 (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib-2017.2 (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib-9.0 (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib-9.1 (ver:71923), s3-artifact-storage (ver:71923), sbt-runner (ver:71923), searchBuildByNumber (ver:71923), ssh-manager (ver:71923), stacktraces (ver:71923), starteam (ver:71923), svn (ver:71923), swabra (ver:71923), teamcity-compare-builds (ver:71923), TeamCity.BitBucketIssues (ver:71923), TeamCity.GitHubIssues (ver:71923), TeamCity.SharedResources (ver:71923), tfs (ver:71923), unified-ui (ver:71923), usage-statistics (ver:71923), visualstudiotest (ver:71923), vs-addin-distributor (ver:71923), vsphere (ver:71923), WindowsTray (ver:71923), WindowsTray-distributor (ver:71923), xcode-runner (ver:71923), xml-report-plugin (ver:71923), youtrack (ver:71923)]
[2020-03-02 17:28:46,046] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginsCollection - Load shared classloader for 30 plugins [Ant, ant-net-tasks, Apache Ant, artifactsSizeStatistics, buildDurationStatisticsPlugin, commandLineRunner, coverage, cvs, email, environment-fetcher, feed, gant-tool, GAntRunner, gradle-runner, intellij-plugin-distributor, jabber, Java Crashed detector, jps-tool, ldap, perfmon, priority-queue, remoteAccess, sbt-runner, searchBuildByNumber, stacktraces, starteam, swabra, WindowsTray, xml-report-plugin, youtrack]
[2020-03-02 17:28:46,093] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginsCollection - Load standalone classloaders for 66 plugins [agent-system-info, agent.push, bugzilla, cloud-amazon, commit-status-publisher, configs-dsl, data-dir-browse, deploy-runner, docker-support, dotnet-tools, dotnet.cli, dotNetRunners, Duplicator, eclipse-plugin-distributor, file-content-replacer, flaky-test-detector, FxCop, golang, idea-tool, Inspection, investigations-auto-assigner, Ipr, java-dowser, jetbrains.git, jira, jvm-update, Maven2, mercurial, metarunner, nt-domain-login, nuget, overview-plugin, perforce, powershell-runner, pull-requests, queue-pauser, rake-runner, reset-password, rest-api, rest-api-2017.1, rest-api-2017.2, rest-api-6.0, rest-api-7.0, rest-api-8.1, rest-api-9.0, rest-api-9.1, rest-api-contrib, rest-api-contrib-2017.1, rest-api-contrib-2017.2, rest-api-contrib-9.0, rest-api-contrib-9.1, s3-artifact-storage, ssh-manager, svn, teamcity-compare-builds, TeamCity.BitBucketIssues, TeamCity.GitHubIssues, TeamCity.SharedResources, tfs, unified-ui, usage-statistics, visualstudiotest, vs-addin-distributor, vsphere, WindowsTray-distributor, xcode-runner]
[2020-03-02 17:28:48,922] INFO - e.RemoteMavenServerManagerImpl - Starting external maven service
[2020-03-02 17:28:49,255] INFO - e.RemoteMavenServerManagerImpl - Remote server is connected.
[2020-03-02 17:28:53,012] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Restoring flaky tests status from finished builds started after: 2020-02-24 17:28:53.010
[2020-03-02 17:28:54,715] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - Plugins initialization completed (96 plugins loaded): [agent-system-info (ver:71923), agent.push (ver:71923), Ant (ver:71923), ant-net-tasks (ver:71923), Apache Ant (ver:71923), artifactsSizeStatistics (ver:71923), bugzilla (ver:71923), buildDurationStatisticsPlugin (ver:71923), cloud-amazon (ver:71923), commandLineRunner (ver:71923), commit-status-publisher (ver:71923), configs-dsl (ver:71923), coverage (ver:71923), cvs (ver:71923), data-dir-browse (ver:71923), deploy-runner (ver:71923), docker-support (ver:71923), dotnet-tools (ver:71923), dotnet.cli (ver:71923), dotNetRunners (ver:71923), Duplicator (ver:71923), eclipse-plugin-distributor (ver:71923), email (ver:71923), environment-fetcher (ver:71923), feed (ver:71923), file-content-replacer (ver:71923), flaky-test-detector (ver:71923), FxCop (ver:71923), gant-tool (ver:71923), GAntRunner (ver:71923), golang (ver:71923), gradle-runner (ver:71923), idea-tool (ver:71923), Inspection (ver:71923), intellij-plugin-distributor (ver:71923), investigations-auto-assigner (ver:71923), Ipr (ver:71923), jabber (ver:71923), Java Crashed detector (ver:71923), java-dowser (ver:71923), jetbrains.git (ver:71923), jira (ver:71923), jps-tool (ver:71923), jvm-update (ver:71923), ldap (ver:71923), Maven2 (ver:71923), mercurial (ver:71923), metarunner (ver:71923), nt-domain-login (ver:71923), nuget (ver:71923), overview-plugin (ver:71923), perfmon (ver:71923), perforce (ver:71923), powershell-runner (ver:71923), priority-queue (ver:71923), pull-requests (ver:71923), queue-pauser (ver:71923), rake-runner (ver:71923), remoteAccess (ver:71923), reset-password (ver:71923), rest-api (ver:71923), rest-api-2017.1 (ver:71923), rest-api-2017.2 (ver:71923), rest-api-6.0 (ver:71923), rest-api-7.0 (ver:71923), rest-api-8.1 (ver:71923), rest-api-9.0 (ver:71923), rest-api-9.1 (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib-2017.1 (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib-2017.2 (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib-9.0 (ver:71923), rest-api-contrib-9.1 (ver:71923), s3-artifact-storage (ver:71923), sbt-runner (ver:71923), searchBuildByNumber (ver:71923), ssh-manager (ver:71923), stacktraces (ver:71923), starteam (ver:71923), svn (ver:71923), swabra (ver:71923), teamcity-compare-builds (ver:71923), TeamCity.BitBucketIssues (ver:71923), TeamCity.GitHubIssues (ver:71923), TeamCity.SharedResources (ver:71923), tfs (ver:71923), unified-ui (ver:71923), usage-statistics (ver:71923), visualstudiotest (ver:71923), vs-addin-distributor (ver:71923), vsphere (ver:71923), WindowsTray (ver:71923), WindowsTray-distributor (ver:71923), xcode-runner (ver:71923), xml-report-plugin (ver:71923), youtrack (ver:71923)]
[2020-03-02 17:28:54,716] INFO - rver.plugins.PluginManagerImpl - ===========================================================
[2020-03-02 17:28:54,718] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - TeamCity plugins loaded in 11s,427ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,723] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start loading server configuration...
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,755] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.CLEANUP - Max cleanup duration is set to 0 seconds
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,756] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.CLEANUP - Cleanup time has been set to 3:00 daily
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,757] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.CLEANUP - The next cleanup time is 2020-03-03 03:00:00.000
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,757] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.CLEANUP - Cleanup is enabled
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,807] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Parsing 1 configuration files...
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,822] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Loading data from parsed configuration files...
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,975] INFO - serverSide.impl.BuildQueueImpl - Build queue loaded: 0 builds
[2020-03-02 17:28:56,975] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Server configuration loaded in: 252ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:58,981] INFO - r.configs.dsl.DslPluginManager - Plugin sources are packed in 1660ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,248] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - TeamCity initialized, server UUID: feccc4ae-73eb-40a7-8810-88c0efd4e6c5, URL: http://localhost
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,248] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - TeamCity is running in professional mode
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,249] INFO - utors.DeferringExecutorService - 0 commands sent to execution
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,249] INFO - utors.DeferringExecutorService - 0 commands sent to execution
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,250] INFO - utors.DeferringExecutorService - 4 commands sent to execution
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,251] INFO - utors.DeferringExecutorService - 3 commands sent to execution
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,251] INFO - utors.DeferringExecutorService - 0 commands sent to execution
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,251] INFO - utors.DeferringExecutorService - 0 commands sent to execution
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,260] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Flaky test detector: 0 historical test invocations in 0 builds replayed in < 1ms (sql queries executed in < 1ms); 0 test invocations ignored (0%)
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,260] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Flaky test detector: started processing tests queue. Current deferring tests count: 0
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,260] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Flaky test detector: finished processing deferred tests queue
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,278] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start pre-fetching changes for 0 build configurations...
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,280] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Done pre-fetching changes for 0 build configurations in 2ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,281] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start calculating branches for 0 build configurations...
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,281] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Done calculating branches for 0 build configurations (0 branches found) in < 1ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,281] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start calculating status for 0 build configurations...
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,281] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Done calculating branches for 0 build configurations in < 1ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,281] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start prefetching build statistic metrics for 0 build configurations...
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,281] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Done prefetching build statistic metrics for 0 build configurations in < 1ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,284] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Super user authentication token: 9040087289582931428 (use empty username with the token as the password to access the server)
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,288] INFO - .agent.AgentZipVersionProvider - Build agent distribution 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\update\' state initialized. Last modified: 21.02.2020 19:50:14, size: 19233979
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,295] INFO - s.buildServer.SERVER.TEST_RUNS - Start loading test runs for investigations and mutes into cache...
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,296] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start loading "failed to start" build configuration errors in background
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,296] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Done loading "failed to start" build configuration errors: loaded 0 problems in < 1ms
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,309] INFO - s.buildServer.SERVER.TEST_RUNS - Done loading test runs. Loaded 0 tests in 0 scopes in 13ms, cache size: 0, failed test runs: 0, successful test runs: 0
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,321] INFO - ority.PriorityClassManagerImpl - Loading priority classes from the configuration file: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\config\build-queue-priorities.xml
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,325] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Ordering strategy changed to jetbrains.buildServer.serverSide.priority.BuildQueuePriorityOrdering
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,352] INFO - verSide.impl.BuildServerRunner - Start daemons
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,353] INFO - tbrains.buildServer.ACTIVITIES - Server Started
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,356] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Startup duration: 44s
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,356] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.STARTUP - Current stage: System is ready
[2020-03-02 17:28:59,396] INFO - .agent.AgentZipVersionProvider - Build agent distribution version is set to 71923, hash=SHA-1BzSAVCrO4MiM7JwibP983h8n6Oo=
[2020-03-02 17:29:01,224] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Loading roles from the configuration file: C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\TeamCity\config\roles-config.xml
[2020-03-02 17:29:02,314] INFO - nt.AgentPluginsVersionProvider - State of agent plugin packages is initialized in 2s,905ms: new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\dotNetRunners\bundled-tools\', hash: 'SHA-1j6lW86HDV9APlKZvdnUxH4Sd7MQ='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\agentSystemInfo\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1YGGnSEBjglrfBt+pHPeh3MCS+Rc='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\cloud-amazon\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1lllLGdxcDSXrvXlb8sFdUvs8VoM='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\ant-net-tasks\agent\', hash: 'SHA-189IOFZXXJx0PyF2ZmM/5kyoyV1o='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\ant-tool\agent\', hash: 'SHA-16Nn+9SnCm7hWDXl767hIvCRZC4g='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\ant\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1lYmfFiB4l0eMhNEhHdQ9NCHB0o0='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\cloud-vmware\agent\', hash: 'SHA-11Mb4lLeXVxBhTkK/9rQ+50rrfQQ='; new plugin 'commandLineRunner.jar' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\commandLineRunner\agent\commandLineRunner.jar', hash: 'SHA-1NrYN4JSTfgyibOH8jFO+gIrp/UU='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\coverage\agent\', hash: 'SHA-15DZ4NO3oCDQdp12O42+F1LDhqHM='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\crash-detector\agent\', hash: 'SHA-157NC9tAXExGnaGRbSummlDYXNI4='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\cvs-support\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1JyVdJzpGHZSmuUvzj4K8yOmNRvw='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\deploy-runner\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1favC2AzTd9TM9dQzBQsc6rs/qq4='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\docker-support\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1+bdHtzRLshGMl36s1hB98U7HRg0='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\dotNetRunners\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1fCrg2DXBCAz2DP/t5T/rgm3JAl8='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\dotNetRunners\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1PHcca0GgaLZ8uxePCuYmDwd/SSg='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\dotnet-tools\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1q7wy/0D0glmLDq9E0vElznRA9Ec='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\dotnet.cli\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1kDy1Xt1oqq7Z2TxPILKtfCPGWR8='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\Duplicator\agent\', hash: 'SHA-15smcQ9VITJrE7ex7spARy2EU76Q='; new plugin 'environment-fetcher-agent.jar' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\environment-fetcher\agent\environment-fetcher-agent.jar', hash: 'SHA-1ElZtl8sF1mgocCjx078PWn+zvvY='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\file-content-replacer\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1rx8cXeZdnnj1Nx9cKVyHbmWJkV4='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\fxcop\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1LWeJIEB2mmRQfIBaxb4kfnfxtMA='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\gant-tool\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1BBlbAZGUndJUXsXAyQkCxdygXBE='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\gantRunner\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1UtwykfoZ3iTwk/ATp1CV0GGM9M4='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\golang\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1UcYaFFJtnQcdlNAmvkwyyI5OZV4='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\gradle\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1u47q/SBAXMQXCbXWGxCzWUzS0Hg='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\ipr-runner\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1VFNnZUfZ8Q5EUUuAd+JGtaY1VpY='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\idea-tool\bundled\', hash: 'SHA-1Gk5kdR5HFizLAdxUyOd9dYEagag='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\server-side-inspections\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1HvEALAMhzLQvww3sr9Zr9cr4eRw='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\coverage\bundled\', hash: 'SHA-1ci2BVMDQqCX/MCerRcJTinPG1dI='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\coverage\bundled\', hash: 'SHA-1gpffmB8a/kX/jNUD/PAA0m8U5tk='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\coverage\bundled\', hash: 'SHA-1o1CXh/FIpUY6/H1VOE4+K4hew2Q='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\java-dowser\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1TZcNipNZhouvg5/qPqyz0DKRL2I='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\jetbrains.git\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1oTnF9EDkOD8PKKS4jXgl/FWgxRQ='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\dotnet-tools\server\bundled-tool\', hash: 'SHA-1q2hvCDktCBAP/hAKAAyalEnBPQY='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\jps-tool\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1SdKB+DNeMzvKHnpVf1OBfIGC99s='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\ant\agent\', hash: 'SHA-19SAHOQwPQDdfGb6bc8Ju7Di3qfE='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\jvm-update\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1+SFF4W/B2bEDUaRuKipePbq9eNc='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\Maven2\bundled-tools\', hash: 'SHA-167HMi2+lgb8dRJTfr1L27rGFolE='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\Maven2\bundled-tools\', hash: 'SHA-1C5hDPK4wKs3Kd6+259P85o3t1H4='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\Maven2\bundled-tools\', hash: 'SHA-1cjUqnLfoc0HnB2ZPIli/uLw8too='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\Maven2\bundled-tools\', hash: 'SHA-1emR72x9FnP0PtVOq6rgi+d1Ak0E='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\Maven2\bundled-tools\', hash: 'SHA-1cXozc8kdPv+lvjTnUOOCK0Nd044='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\Maven2\bundled-tools\', hash: 'SHA-1TxrZd2cvGb/ljcdeR4fKaTiz7ZA='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\Maven2\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1CxGy0QZBE0my3RcPNt40jxVnNmc='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\mercurial\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1pclFOzqHMHPOQNSwbNUTvUBFRIg='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\meta-runner\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1oQFgG+D9mwjtdvgohjEbVQhMlZ0='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\dotNetPackagesSupport\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1wOIz5fxJ2m6vHtls3WVR/dwfAx0='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\perfmon\agent\', hash: 'SHA-19MMyPjV0qX/nAsJJ+mMhu1JKOz8='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\perforce\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1xu1gTic3mQe7D61H+q0jBZ86rqo='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\powershell\agent\', hash: 'SHA-16YdojEOFuiV7Y/HR0vCQ3NPZBRI='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\rake-runner\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1cgbAm8UE53xlKHZnVUe1YwgOcUo='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\remoteAccess\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1ddH8imdVJ2RvKT7EgYQ2nWHzV6I='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\s3-artifact-storage\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1UleQzi79f2WyG3FCeZPsTdOi+/A='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\sbt-runner\agent\', hash: 'SHA-15Y2dYo4y716rfwytINGUimFgo0c='; new plugin 'ssh-manager.jar' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\ssh-manager\agent\ssh-manager.jar', hash: 'SHA-1qPiMwTXTi7WqUjzoDhUmBiCMa44='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\stacktraces\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1Ute0gsjbDY817sXO/USK0IAXTi4='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\svn\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1jk1d3Qbo/SEvuwZp/Uu/TTkD2jQ='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\swabra\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1kz4HSgiW1EeYhA9Vaj1vTb1qXoQ='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\ant\agent\', hash: 'SHA-15l33i9ZGPH98NZ3JPfcXs1EX8Lw='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\tfs\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1K8ULCsdB5h4tXOqId854TAqq5JM='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\visualstudiotest\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1av8H5wGQQkJYXcmiVlyfa8YNI7Y='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\xcode-runner\agent\', hash: 'SHA-1LcUuXKwXLjwB2Ju14JqfMSRiGlQ='; new plugin '' file: 'C:\TeamCity\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF\plugins\.unpacked\xml-report-plugin\agent\', hash: 'SHA-15d/jGy9mM907heY4EhLy+0DJTcI='
[2020-03-02 17:29:04,905] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Set generated name "host-2" to agent "host" {id=3}.
[2020-03-02 17:29:04,907] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - New agent authorization token "af93df355477bb9b7fca1daa578281b4" was generated for agent "host-2" {id=3}
[2020-03-02 17:29:04,923] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Upgrade of agent "host-2" {id=3} has been scheduled, agent version: 71923, plugins signature: NA. Current version: 71923, plugins signature: 71923-md5-19eca77307e60582b7f52ed229d2b58a
[2020-03-02 17:29:04,943] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Agent has been registered: "host-2" {id=3, protocol=unidirectional, host=, agentTypeId=3, pool=Default, registered since 2020-03-02 17:29:04.896}, not running a build
[2020-03-02 17:29:04,947] INFO - ldServer.AGENT.PollingProtocol - Polling Agent session 'x78PRar...' was created, agent: "host-2" {id=3}
[2020-03-02 17:29:04,993] INFO - s.buildServer.ACTIVITIES.AUDIT - agent_authorize: Agent ""host-2" {id=3}" was authorized with comment "Locally installed agent is authorized by default"
[2020-03-02 17:29:05,495] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Agent "host-2" {id=3} has confirmed upgrade.
[2020-03-02 17:29:05,584] INFO - ldServer.AGENT.PollingProtocol - Polling Agent session 'x78PRar...' was closed, agent: "host-2" {id=3}
[2020-03-02 17:29:05,585] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Agent "host-2" {id=3} has been unregistered. Reason: Agent has unregistered (will upgrade)
[2020-03-02 17:29:09,834] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Start loading cache of build committers...
[2020-03-02 17:29:09,838] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - Done loading cache of build committers
[2020-03-02 17:29:24,864] INFO - r.configs.dsl.DslPluginManager - Plugins dsl compiled in 25s,881ms
[2020-03-02 17:29:25,388] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - JSP pre-compilation failed: http://localhost/project/_buildsScheduleForm.jspf?jsp_precompile=true after 6 attempts, tried the following URLs: http://localhost/project/_buildsScheduleForm.jspf?jsp_precompile=true, (enable debug for more details)
[2020-03-02 17:29:45,480] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - JSP pre-compilation failed: http://localhost/project/_issueTrackerDisplay.jspf?jsp_precompile=true after 6 attempts, tried the following URLs: http://localhost/project/_issueTrackerDisplay.jspf?jsp_precompile=true, (enable debug for more details)
[2020-03-02 17:29:50,990] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.AGENT - Agent has been registered: "host-2" {id=3, protocol=unidirectional, host=, agentTypeId=3, pool=Default, registered since 2020-03-02 17:29:50.954}, not running a build
[2020-03-02 17:29:50,993] INFO - ldServer.AGENT.PollingProtocol - Polling Agent session 'csboUgJ...' was created, agent: "host-2" {id=3}
[2020-03-02 17:30:05,384] INFO - jetbrains.buildServer.SERVER - JSP pre-compilation finished, pre-compiled 912 files in 1m:22s,076ms
[2020-03-02 17:31:02,449] INFO - r.configs.dsl.DslPluginManager - DSL documentation (http://localhost/app/dsl-documentation/index.html) generated in 95877ms

Permanently deleted user

Restated server.No luck same message :(


Same thing is happening on our end. Server has been working fine for months, and then suddenly sometime last week all of my VCS roots started getting that same error message. I have tried restarting multiple times, and even just completely reinstalled the Teamcity server from scratch and still having the same issue. Would love a solution to this. Thanks!

Permanently deleted user



I would love to help and install the plugin but I am unable to view the log son AWS. Any chance you know someone that might be able to help. Here is the forum post:

The documentation seem like it is out of date. 


Permanently deleted user

I am not familiar with cloudformation enough to know if it is even using docker. Based on the fact that I had to install docker to attempt to get the logs, and even that did not give me the logs... I am guessing that it's using something else?

But in any case, it sounds like I need to learn to add p4 installation to the image. (work in progress)

Until then, should all this work in theory if I simply install the Team City server on its own Linux instance instead of going for the full stack? Or am I going to get into the same trouble?





I had issues with my TeamCity running in a docker container and found a work around. This applies if your also running the Perforce server on your local machine.

  1. Ran a container with p4 client installed. Got mine from:
  2. Add an environment variable when you run as in:

    docker run -itd --name teamcity-server-instance \

        -v <your-teamcity-path>/data/teamcity_server/datadir \

        -v <your-teamcity-path>/logs:/opt/teamcity/logs \

        --env P4PORT=host.docker.internal:1666 \

        -p8111:8111 anushibin007/blog:teamcity-server-with-p4

  3. Also use: host.docker.internal:1666 in your VCS Root as your "Port" connection settings.

After that, my connection test was successful.


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