Dynamically Update Branch name in Teamcity UI

I can update the Build number dynamically and have it show up on the Teamcity UI like so:
echo "##teamcity[buildNumber '$build_number']"

Is there something similar I can do to update the branch name which is currently uninformative: `pull/336/merge`?

1 comment

Hi Kevin,
It is not currently possible to change the branch name dynamically. This is because of how TeamCity uses the branch names internally. https://www.jetbrains.com/help/teamcity/working-with-feature-branches.html#WorkingwithFeatureBranches-Logicalbranchname 

However, there is a feature request we are tracking to include PR details in these cases. Please check it out and vote for it if you would find it helpful. https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/TW-57187



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