How does teamcity compute Perforce Latest revision to execute?

I want to know the algorithm that TeamCity uses to get the latest revision for a given

I'm facing a situation where I am launching a build with the latest changes in the stream //Depot/StreamA/....

The //Depot/StreamA/... specs are:

  • share ...
  • import StreamB/... //Depot/StreamB/...@489376

The latest change in StreamA is 498475.

The latest change in StreamB is 501207, but in the stream spec, it is locked to 489376.

I would expect it to return 498475 as the latest change since it is the most recent change that applies to StreamA. However, it is returning 501207 instead.

How is this value computed?



1 comment


Could you please share with us:
-A screenshot of the VCS root settings;

-A full build log of a build where you see this issue, together with a screenshot of the "Change log" tab;

-The teamcity-vcs.log, the teamcity-server.log and the teamcity-vcs-states.log covering the same time period of the build.

You can upload them to our secure upload service: and share the upload Id here with us.





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