
Welcome to Jetbrains Team Server EAP,

As usual, we will be glad to get your feedback on this new product.
Again, this is a product by developers and for developers so your
opinions and comments are of great value for us.

You may also post found bugs and feature requests to our Jira tracker:


Kind regards,

Kirill Maximov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


BTW, how much? :))

Permanently deleted user

How much what?


How much permission we need to access Jira...


Total value in USD for this one :)


Too erly question and not in the rigt group :)

Best regards,
Eugene Zhuravlev
Software Developer
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

"Alexey Efimov" <no_replay@jetbrains.com> wrote in message news:11593951.1142337699537.JavaMail.itn@is.intellij.net...

Total value in USD for this one :)


Dmitry Kashin wrote:

How much permission we need to access Jira...

It should be available now.

Kirill Maximov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Alexander Chinaryov

How about project roadmap?


Hello Alexander,

AC> How about project roadmap?

See the "Team Support" section at:

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


Your NNTP server doesn't seem to have heard of the newsgroup jetbrains.teamware.eap - is newsgroup access supposed to be up already?


Hello Gibson,

G> Your NNTP server doesn't seem to have heard of the newsgroup
G> jetbrains.teamware.eap - is newsgroup access supposed to be up
G> already?

It's up. Try to refresh your newsgroup list.

Dmitry Jemerov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


I'm mostly interested in the Collaboration features, should I test Albus or Demetra (or both)?


Gibson wrote:

I'm mostly interested in the Collaboration features, should I test Albus or Demetra (or both)?

Collaboration features will be available in Demetra in one of the
nearest EAP builds.


Kirill Maximov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"

Alexander Chinaryov

Same problem. Refresh doesn't help.


Alexander Chinaryov wrote:

Same problem. Refresh doesn't help.

Really sorry. We forgot to make it visible outside :(

Should be fixed now (but please reconnect to the NNTP server).


Kirill Maximov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


Great start TeamWare folks & Kirill!
When will we be able to reject commits if the server-side code inspections fail?


Great start TeamWare folks & Kirill!


When will we be able to reject commits if the
server-side code inspections fail?

It depends on what you mean by rejecting commits. If you're talking about commits which are already in VCS, probably not soon and definetly not in 1.0.
But we do plan to implement in 1.0 at least "build my changes on the server" feature without commiting to VCS, and this can include inspections run as well.
Another issue - how to specify that "inspections fail". Do you mean here that there should not be inspections warnings of some type at all? Or there should be some threshold for them?

Thanks again,

Kirill Maximov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


I'm only talking about a pre-verification that would occur on the server before a commit is allowed such as along with the build or independently of a successful server build. I'm not concerned about commits that are already in VCS.

Just putting down what occurs to me off the top of my head, here is one way to do it by level of tolerance to warnings. Reject a commit set:
1. if there are any warnings
2. if there are any new warnings per issue http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEADEV-4974 that is currently being developed
3. if there is a net gain of warnings

This list is not only by strictness; it is also my priority list. #2/#3 are useful if you take over a legacy code project with lots of warnings but want to ensure that no additional warnings are introduced.

Any other specific suggestions out there as to how to reject a commit set?



Jon Steelman wrote:

Thanks, Jon, here is the corresponding issue


I'm only talking about a pre-verification that would occur on the server before a commit is allowed such as along with the build or independently of a successful server build. I'm not concerned about commits that are already in VCS.

Just putting down what occurs to me off the top of my head, here is one way to do it by level of tolerance to warnings. Reject a commit set:
1. if there are any warnings
2. if there are any new warnings per issue http://www.jetbrains.net/jira/browse/IDEADEV-4974 that is currently being developed
3. if there is a net gain of warnings

This list is not only by strictness; it is also my priority list. #2/#3 are useful if you take over a legacy code project with lots of warnings but want to ensure that no additional warnings are introduced.

Any other specific suggestions out there as to how to reject a commit set?


Kirill Maximov
Software Developer
JetBrains, Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


Eugene Zhuravlev (JetBrains) wrote:

Too erly question and not in the rigt group :)

It's actually a very important question though as such software can not be reasonably
tested without being integrated in a production(-like) environment. However this consumes
considerable time and resources and may lead to more or less tight dependencies on the
tool, so I really can not take the risk to give this a serious try without knowing at
least an estimated price range. Will it be in the range of IDEA licenses or more in the
range of a JIRA Enterprise license?



It's planned to grant free licenses to TeamServer for all users of IDEA 6.0
(maybe, as limited time offer only). So if you (and your team) plan to upgrade
to IDEA 6.0, the pricing of TeamServer won't affect you.

Valentin Kipiatkov
Chief Scientist, Vice President of Product Development
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

Eugene Zhuravlev (JetBrains) wrote:

>> Too erly question and not in the rigt group :)

It's actually a very important question though as such software can
not be reasonably tested without being integrated in a
production(-like) environment. However this consumes considerable time
and resources and may lead to more or less tight dependencies on the
tool, so I really can not take the risk to give this a serious try
without knowing at least an estimated price range. Will it be in the
range of IDEA licenses or more in the range of a JIRA Enterprise



Ok, I understand and agree.
Have forwarded the question to the "right" person.

considerable time and resources and may lead to more or less tight dependencies on the tool

That's the purpose of the tool: to be very easy to install and configure and introduce no dependencies on it. It actually runs your
ant (Nant etc.) scripts that you normally run from the command line. No special script "tuning" is required to make it runnable by
the server's agent (although there is a possiblility to use special "progress markup" tasks that will give the server hits of how to
render the build's log)

Best regards,
Eugene Zhuravlev
Software Developer
JetBrains Inc.
"Develop with pleasure!"


It is not decided finally but most probably it will be per-user-account
license in price range of IDEA license or less.

Valentin Kipiatkov (JetBrains) wrote:

It's planned to grant free licenses to TeamServer for all users of IDEA
6.0 (maybe, as limited time offer only). So if you (and your team) plan
to upgrade to IDEA 6.0, the pricing of TeamServer won't affect you.

Valentin Kipiatkov
Chief Scientist, Vice President of Product Development
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

>> Eugene Zhuravlev (JetBrains) wrote:
>>> Too erly question and not in the rigt group :)
>> It's actually a very important question though as such software can
>> not be reasonably tested without being integrated in a
>> production(-like) environment. However this consumes considerable time
>> and resources and may lead to more or less tight dependencies on the
>> tool, so I really can not take the risk to give this a serious try
>> without knowing at least an estimated price range. Will it be in the
>> range of IDEA licenses or more in the range of a JIRA Enterprise
>> license?
>> Sascha


It is not decided finally but most probably it will be
per-user-account license in price range of IDEA license or less.

And, as already mentioned above, IDEA 6.0 users will not need to pay for it.

Valentin Kipiatkov
Chief Scientist, Vice President of Product Development
JetBrains, Inc
"Develop with pleasure!"

It is not decided finally but most probably it will be
per-user-account license in price range of IDEA license or less.

Valentin Kipiatkov (JetBrains) wrote:

>> It's planned to grant free licenses to TeamServer for all users of
>> IDEA 6.0 (maybe, as limited time offer only). So if you (and your
>> team) plan to upgrade to IDEA 6.0, the pricing of TeamServer won't
>> affect you.
>> Valentin Kipiatkov
>> Chief Scientist, Vice President of Product Development
>> JetBrains, Inc
>> http://www.jetbrains.com
>> "Develop with pleasure!"
>>> Eugene Zhuravlev (JetBrains) wrote:
>>>> Too erly question and not in the rigt group :)
>>> It's actually a very important question though as such software can
>>> not be reasonably tested without being integrated in a
>>> production(-like) environment. However this consumes considerable
>>> time and resources and may lead to more or less tight dependencies
>>> on the tool, so I really can not take the risk to give this a
>>> serious try without knowing at least an estimated price range. Will
>>> it be in the range of IDEA licenses or more in the range of a JIRA
>>> Enterprise license?
>>> Sascha


Valentin Kipiatkov (JetBrains) wrote:

It's planned to grant free licenses to TeamServer for all users of IDEA
6.0 (maybe, as limited time offer only). So if you (and your team) plan
to upgrade to IDEA 6.0, the pricing of TeamServer won't affect you.

Thanks, this is something that will convince the boss much more easily to give
TeamServer a shot (assuming the price for IDEA 6.0 won't go through the roof) ;)



Eugene Zhuravlev (JetBrains) wrote:
>> considerable time and resources and may lead to more or less tight dependencies on the tool

That's the purpose of the tool: to be very easy to install and configure and introduce no dependencies on it.

That's what IDEA is as well, but I still could not live without it any more :)



Will the server be able to modify files so that the VCS check-in process isn't just "pass build/pass validation/check-in" but can be "pass build/pass validation/perform transformations/check-in" process?



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