Schema info
Is there any database schema info available? I was hoping to write some of my own reports against the historical data but I've been unable to find what I was looking for (like test failure details for instance).
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Test failure details (I suppose you mean stacktraces or something similar) are not stored in the database, they are stored on disk in build logs. The only thing you can get from the database is status of the test.
Pavel Sher
Ok, thanks for the info. I was afraid of that. I was hoping to be able to report more on individual tests to view past success and failures (including the stack trace info). I can build it myself by parsing JUnit's result files but it would be nice if a build configuration gave you the option of preserving this info in the db if you want it. I logged this as feature request TW-5886.
Edited by: Tom Ruggles on Oct 9, 2008 9:48 AM
Well if you need different presentation of this data you can write a plugin. In plugin you can access test stacktrace. For example, this can be done with help of SBuild.getFullStatistics() method.
Pavel Sher
Thanks. I haven't tried writing a plugin yet but that has been an answer to a few questions I've come across. I will also try out the EAP to see what other info it provides per Yegor's recommendation.